I witnessed shop lifting in Accrington's Holland & Barrett today

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Accy cyclist

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Also on the topic of Accrington Greggs, the other day I saw the 'down and out beggar' who sits at the bottom of the Sports Direct stairs across from, Greggs kicking off, shouting, effing and jeffing, then he threw this pie at the Greggs shop window. Why the loony rant I thought.šŸ¤” Then later in the day someone told me he'd gone berserk as someone had bought him a meat and potato pie, with the beggar thinking he was biting into a butter pie. When he tasted the tiny pieces of meat in the pie he kicked off as he's a vegetarian, this person told me. There's no pleasing some eh!! Sat there begging/dossing all day, then when someone buys him a pie out of the kindness of their heart he throws their generosity back in their face! Tut! tut!, there's just no pleasing some folk!! šŸ§ :rolleyes:
I get the train quite a lot these days through Accrington, I feel next time I do I'm going to get off and have a wander as I feel I'm missing out on all these shenanigans.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I get the train quite a lot these days through Accrington, I feel next time I do I'm going to get off and have a wander as I feel I'm missing out on all these shenanigans.
I rode along a stretch of secluded cycle path to Accrington station with @Littgull a few years ago and we encountered some dodgy-looking lads hanging about round there. I wouldn't have liked to have got a puncture at that moment! :whistle:
We have to be careful when proficient in a martial arts assuming you can apply it in a street situation that you don't get nicked for going to far.

Some 40 years ago, one of my junior staff nurses - a tiny, dainty, blue-eyed blonde - was mugged in a supermarket car park on her way home from work.

I had no idea, until she told me in confidence, that she was an advanced practitioner of some sort of karate, and that the mugger had ended up with a broken arm in the scuffle.

Fortunately the break was fully consistent with the main witness's statement of seeing an awkward fall after a trip on a kerb, but she was quietly advised to appear at the court with make-up, fluffy or frilly clothes and a meek demeanour so that no suspicions might arise, or questions be asked, or doubt enter the magistrates mind, as to exactly why her assailant had a broken arm ...

Nb all dates, identities, locations and professions have been changed to protect the parties involved ...

captain nemo1701

Space cadet. Deck 42 Main Engineering.
My local shop a few years ago had a booze display in front of the counter near the door. While standing in line to pay with three others, bloke opens door, grabs wine bottle & legs it.... Not much sympathy though, shouldn't have put it near the door - they've rearranged shop layout, unsurprisingly. I am concerned though, about more posters being put up with 'Our staff have the right to work without violence, harassment ...etc'. They're popping up all over, even in my Doctors surgery & local library. Sad sign of the times.... :sad: . Feel sorry for shop staff, generally nice helpful folk doing their job and shouldn't have to deal with nasty scrotes....
Accy cyclist

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member

It seems that shopkeepers are fighting back and are now robbing off the shoplifters. Well, when I say shoplifters I should've said customers they see as an easy target. Today I fancied a pie while In Accrington town centre, so I thought I'd go in this reputable baker/confectioners. I asked what warm pies they had. After the shop worker told me I settled on a meat and potato. I gave her a ten pound note, after asking how much the pie was. I wasn't sure if she said Ā£3.60 or Ā£2.60. Anyway, she gave me my change which when I looked at it was a five pound note and 12 pence. Mmm, that means the pie was Ā£4.88 I thought, which is almost unheard of in these parts. I questioned my change and the shop worker looked at it and said "Oh, sorry" and immediately gave me another Ā£2.28. Something told me that she thought "Old idiot here, lets short change him"! Now I'm not 100 percent it was deliberate, but why did she give me that Ā£2.28 without hesitation? šŸ¤” On mentioning this when I went into Holland & Barrett later in the day, the one who seems blasĆ© about shoplifters said "The staff in Manning's wouldn't do that, they are very nice"! I find her who said that a bit of a know it all for her age. She's only 26, but thinks she knows everything! No, I'm sticking with my thought that the bakers shop worker thought she's make a few quid off me. Mmm, the next time I buy from there I'll certainly be checking my change and maybe even just give then Ā£3, which might keep them from temptation. šŸ§
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Accy cyclist

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
The town was full of them today! Skanks with tins of beer in their grubby hands, smoking 'spliffs', chavvy 'devil dogs' off the lead (not that the owners have a lead to put them on) etc etc. I said to one PC "It's full of them today officer! If I had what you have on your belt, I'd be cracking skulls and pepper spraying them all day long" šŸ§ . He kind of smiled and said "Yes sir, we are having a very busy day today". Later on when I went into Holland & Barrett the manager told me she had to lock the door earlier, as a gang of them were intent on robbing from the place. She'd been warned by the security guards that these skanks were heading towards the shop with 'bad intent'. :thumbsdown:
Accy cyclist

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
I went into H&B Accrington today. The manager told me she'd had aggressive shoplifters in on three consecutive days. Aggressive as in threatening assault and refusing to put stolen items back and refusing to leave when caught with stolen items. She told me one in today was very abusive saying horrible personal things about her. While I was in I saw this woman in I'd say her 30's came in. I looked at her in a smiling way to gauge her reaction. She didn't even look at me and headed abruptly to one of the isles, ringing alarm bells she was on a focused mission. I watched her but didn't see her steal anything. A few seconds later she left the shop very quickly. I asked the manager if she was a regular. She said she works at McDonalds in Accrington and has a reputation for shop lifting. I mentioned my thoughts that she might've pilfered something, telling the manager where she'd been in the shop. The manager checked the stock amount of certain items and saw that these fat burning pills had 6 down on the computer, but there was only 5 left on the shelf. Honestly, they now just walk in and take what they want, like there's nothing wrong in doing that!
Accy cyclist

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Once spotted a known shoplifter in a shop in Bradford. Pointed them out to the shop manager, who responded with "He's my son!".
Couldn't get out of the shop quick enough.

Very similar to my experience with a rude woman in TKMaxx once. She asked how many items I was taking into the changing room. I told her three, then she said "are you sure and it's not more"?, insinuating I was on the rob. I mentioned her to a younger woman saying what an old bag she is and she should be fired off! She replied "that's my mum you're talking about"!! I didn't back down though and said "oh well, how unfortunate for you"! :whistle:
Accy cyclist

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
More pilfering in H&B yesterday. The manager told me one came in with an open bag and just started filling it with body building stuff. She said she told him to put the stuff back and get out, but instead he started with the verbal abuse. Luckily a bloke walked in and saw the incident. He took the bag off the thief and threatened to deck him, making the thief run out the shop shouting "I'll be back you @~#!!!". Pure scum and no doubt he will be back, but chapeau to the bloke who stopped the scumbag, but if only he had decked him eh!!!


Leg End Member
Seems as though the shop staff just can't be bothered even trying to do anything about the problem.

It's a common practice to have empty boxes in display, if the contents are a highly pilfered item.
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