Man or Moose!
- Location
- Manchester
Hero of Valour, you come across as an absolute arse, this will gain you no sympathy! Do everyone a favour and STFU until you can post something that isn't a crock of shoot!
i use punctuation all day everyday atworkprimary school so no i will not i am having a rest
Here, this may help ... watch and learn ........i was cycling and started edging my way out towards the middle of the road to avoid a parked car in front of me about 30 yards ahead and this bitch just steamed past me and made me brake and literally stop.....she must have known what i was doing...anyway i called her a bitch and stuff like that and chased up until i caught up with her (i'd calmed down by this point) and just thought she was a cow, anyway i shot past her as she was waiting for a car to turn right in front of her and as i approached another stationary car in my way i manoeuvred my way into the middle of the road only to find this nobber up my ass and bibbing her horn....i stuck my finger up at her and as she came to my side she was mouthing something "like get out the middle of the road" to which i said something which i wont repeat (you can probably guess what i said...the word women generally take exception to) and she just drove past me as fast as she could and I stuck my fingers up at her etc....afterwards i felt bad for my actions and should have just told her to do one etc but she was a dangerous driver...
i use punctuation all day everyday at work so no i will not i am having a rest
YesCan I bring this back to a serious note, this is my first post so please be gentle,
At the ripe old age of 52 I have decided that I would like to cycling, so out on my 4th ride today I was in a small village coming up to 2x mini roundabouts which have pedestrian refuges in the middle, being a motorcyclist I never put myself close the kerb & have been riding 4-6 feet from it. As I approached the first roundabout a horn sounded behind me, as I was on the 1st roundabout the car came along side of me he was what I shouting & presume swearing & making hand gestures, unfortunately I couldn't actually make out what he was actually saying but it was very aggressive. I asked him what his problem was & at that point he swerved the car into me, luckily I had enough space to get out of his way. I again asked & he again swerved the front of the car at me, at this point he drove off, I have his registration, but only the fact it was a black estate, should I inform the Police?