My one stayed in a cold shed and did a lot of miles. It was a £900 bike, a 2010 Allez elite that I bought at 6 months old, barely used for £540. I got £130 for it, and was happy to let it go. There were two main problems with it. It had a combination fork, carbon blades with an alloy steerer. There was a lot of cracking around the join between the alloy and the carbon. I’m an enthusiastic descender and was concerned they would part company on the way downhill at 40+ mph. The alloy was also showing signs of corrosion, possibly because of doing a lot of winter miles with salt roads and being kept outside. I had just bought it a set of new wheels - zondas, that are still up my loft, and went to change the cables. The cable ferrule had welded itself to the cable guide, and in trying to separate them I snapped the cable guide on the top tube off. I’d just had a minor windfall, decided I deserved a new bike, so I stuck it on
EBay with all its faults described and got £130 for it.