I love random facts

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Bollocks to you!

bonj said:


Well-Known Member
Sharks will only attack humans if they feel like it.


Well-Known Member
Greedo said:
here's a few to get started

Statues of a war/battle with the person on a horse
* If the horse has all 4 legs on the ground the person fought in that battle
* If the horse has one front leg raised then he was injured in that battle
* If the horses 2 front legs are raised then he died in that battle.

The first actor to play James Bond was Bob Holness of Blockbusters, in a radio drama.

The term "devil's advocate"comes from the Roman Catholic church. When deciding if someone should become a saint, a devil's advocate is always appointed to give an alternative view

Trebor the sweets were named so after the owner, Robert, found his name too common and reversed the letters.

If all four feet are on the ground, it means the rider died peacefully of natural causes.
If one foot is raised, it means the rider was wounded in battle and died later.
If two feet are raised, it means that the rider died heroically in battle.
If all four feet are raised, it means the rider is actually still alive and is living in a hot-air balloon from which the statue is suspended. They normally spend most of their time fishing for pigeons.


Smutmaster General
User76 said:
No, thats nonsense, at least the tongue bit is. However, you can only roll your tongue if both of your parents can (some genetic thing), so one day, no-one will be able to roll their tongue.
Ahem... at least on of my kids can roll her tongue. Their mother can too. I can't. I'm left-handed. :wacko:

[edit... reaches for genetic testing kit...]


Cobblers! Categorise/ize, standardise/ize, realise/ize - yanks use a zee, we use a ness. Specialise/ize is just one of many.


There are more fat people in America than there are people.
(Source: Little Britain USA).
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