I love random facts

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New Member
PaulB said:
Although it was called "The Flying Scotsman", it couldn't really fly. And it wasn't a Scotsman.

And in the same train of thought...Although it was called the mallard, it wasn't a duck.:angry:


Noble and true, with a heart of steel
The TerrorVortex
The direction that the room spins when you are drunk varies according to which hemisphere you are in.
On the Equator the room seems to spin end-over-end, resulting in frantic carpet grippage.

(may not actually be true)


Smutmaster General
Hilldodger said:
Eddie the Eagle was (stiil is?) studying law at Leicester Uni
So it's all been downhill since his winter olympic appearances, has it? (downhill... eddie the eagle... oh gawd, where's me coat :biggrin:)


Uncle Mort said:
Doesn't Scrabble use Chambers or something though?
The deluxe version does - for holding the tiles in place.
They're more like raised grids, though, not chambers.:biggrin:


Senior Member
PaulB said:
Though nearly always by small minded bigots who are bitterly jealous at having no identity themselves.

Neither could I

One fact about Liverpool though. From the height of the swinging 60s and the Merseybeat, the population has halved as of 2007.

Quite scary really, especially considering the relative revival of Manchester.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
User76 said:
81% of statistics used in arguments are made up on the spot.

And the other 27% are wrongly calculated...:biggrin:

I still can't remember the fact I was going to post, dammit. Can't have been that good I guess.:wahhey:

Here's one though. If you feed a cat nothing but liver, the excess Vitamin A causes all its joints to grow extra bone and it fuses into a solid lump of a cat.


Uncle Mort said:
Apart from the human that is...

Yes, Zimbabwe came to mind when I read about killer hippos.


Legendary Member
twowheelsgood said:
One fact about Liverpool though. From the height of the swinging 60s and the Merseybeat, the population has halved as of 2007.

Quite scary really, especially considering the relative revival of Manchester.

So scary you had to move to Zurich, the world's most boring town?
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