Interested to see what other people make of this article, hope they continue the study (it being Germany I'm guessing they will). Thanks to
@User13710 for pointing it out.
Ok I'll throw my hat into the ring. This from a very quick read without having the time to really study the detail of the figures quoted so if I've missed something or misread please point it out.
In 12 months from 2 hospitals there were 543 cyclists admitted, 239 of which had suffered head trauma this included both wearers and non-wearers, I didn't see this figure noted as a percentage of the total cycling population, so at the moment I can't see from this how likely the head injuries are unless I missed it.
I was surprised at the difference in the figures shown for general face injuries.
It was interesting to me that the study only used the data from on road riding.
It confirmed to me that in certain circumstances a helmet may offer protection, this may have been mentioned in this thread previously.
It also suggested that if you are riding quickly, over 18kmph I think, then "the positive effect of a cycle helmet may be outweighed by the effect of riskier cycling" which suggests to me that cycle helmets in general do not meet adequate safety standards, this may have been mentioned in this thread previously.
I'd like to see a similar study carried out over 12 months on the effects that wearing a helmet has when doing the things
@Dan B mentioned.
It was as I said a quick read, I really should be doing some work!