I don't know if this clarifies my position/view on cycling 'safety', or muddies the water......I ride my bike in the same manner as people in Germany/France/The Netherlands/Denmark.
I use it for transport, leisure, fitness and as a pastime/hobby.
Cycling is NOT dangerous.
My kit is normal leisure gear, not lycra. My night riding jacket has some reflective element to it, but is NOT hi-viz 'Lemon'. My bikes NEVER go out in the dark or low visibility/rain without adequate/legal lighting. Other than the rare/infrequent likelihood of participating in an event where helmet wearing is a pre-requisite in the joining instruction, I will not wear a piece of pudding bowl/polystyrene piecemeal 'health & safety' derived bollix on my head.
Someone, I don't know who, has injected corporate H&S helmet/hi-viz crap into every day cycling and it fookin sucks - but I would happily do a stretch for decking them - give me a DeLorean and the times/dates and they're going to get the biggest fooking punch to the head......they'll be needing the bloody helmet then......
If I wanted to look like some political tosser at the opening of a new hospital wing, I'd wear a hi-viz tabbard and ludicrously stupid helmet.
I'm not.
I'm a regular bloke, riding a bicycle from A to B.
I'm perfectly safe, experienced and ride according to my ability - no need for a helmet.
Could a pro-helmeter please explain why I MUST wear one?