All good suggestions...I'm going to try a few out.
OK, then, BTFB me lad, what's happened to set you off today?
...well..since you ask.
I was moving into the primary position approaching my right turn off a busy road and had signalled correctly. The right hand filter lane was about 30m infront of me so the asswipe behind me actually had to slow down, which pissed him off and he started leaning on his horn to tell me to get out of his way. I ignored him and headed up to the filter lane...he hooted again and yelled out the window words to the effect that I was enjoying playing with myself...I waved at him in a gesture to tell him he wasnt worth it and should just go away and calm which point he hooted again so i turned around and yelled at him to F%ck which point I realised it wasnt the usual chavy oiks but an old geezer (70ish) with his wife who was also yelling at me...something about not speaking to her asswipe,,,erm,,,sorry I mean husband like that! ...I had r4eached the filterlane as was slowing right down to make the turn when this bastard deliberatly pulled over to his right in what i can only interpret as an attempt to kill me as he missed me by inches. It was a no win situation junction for any cyclist...move over to early and the self-gratification artists think you are blocking 'their right of way', move over to late and you get knocked off. I can only imagine that this git was blind and hadnt worked out that my legs dont actually have 2.0 litre engine in them
What pissed me off was that people like him place no value on my life, or my sons fathers life at all. To him it was simply an affront on his pride that a mere (turns and spits) 'cyclist was actually in front of him slowing his progress to his scummy hovel.
He sped off down the road like the coward he doubt to visit his cowardly chavy grand kids wonder kids grow up like they do around here when there are losers like him out there.