Just call me Chris...
- Location
- Sittingbourne, Kent
Chuck Norris died ten years ago, but the Grim Reaper can't get up the courage to tell him.
Have also done both, although it wasn't a mild twist and it was while cycling and it was caused by a helmet and I'd really, really, REALLY like not to have to go through that again.
The skull, on the other hand, was not caused by cycling.
Hence I've come to the opposite conclusion. However, I respect your right to think differently.
Ravenbait, can I ask what made you think it was the helmet that caused your neck problem. Also why not wearing the helmet would have been a better idea.
This is one of my favourite helmets.
I want to wear one on a FNRttC.
Snell or ANSI?
I know there are lots of threads on "to wear or not to wear", that being the question, so this post is intended to start a squabble! (although it may anyway!)![]()
I was watching one of those real-life A&E drama-emergency-car-crash-TV programs the other night and a cyclist was brought in all smashed up because some idiot cager had driven into him.
The windscreen was bullseyed and the guy's head was in a sorry state. The chap wasn't wearing a helmet and the surgeon said that if he had been wearing a helmet then his head injuries would have been far less extensive - the bullseye was his head hitting the windscreen. I know it's the car driver's fault, but it was the cyclist who ended up paying the price.
Normally, I don't wear a helmet but today I've dug it out from the bottom of my equipment box to wear on my commute this afternoon!
I'm sure this would suit you, Ian!![]()
Probably available in blue, too!
This one came to mind, as well:
More likely to help cut down on cakes and chocolates at the cafe, though.