Baggy said:
If it's any consolation, first time on an overnight ride I had to answer the call of nature and sneaked off into a nice cornfield...but as it was dark didn't notice the rogue corn stem which promptly prodded me in the lady parts, causing me to jump up and wee on my foot
Okay, if we are doing unexpected pains in the delicate bits today...
I was out riding a few summers back when a wasp flew down the front of my jersey. I leapt off my bike and starting slapping my chest and and tummy regions in the desperate hope of killing it before it stung me.
When I stopped, I could feel a little lump under my jersey and concluded that I'd despatched the wasp so I lifted the jersey to brush its corpse away, only for the stunned creature to wake up and start buzzing in a very intimidating fashion!
I panicked and tried to swat it off me, but only succeeded in knocking it down the front of my bibshorts! I experienced a sense of full-on terror and started leaping up and down, pummeling my nether regions and screaming
"Die, bastard, DIE!"
The wasp stung me 3 times where it really hurts before I finally managed to flatten it. I don't know what was worse - the throbbing pain down under, or the embarrassment of looking up and seeing a gobsmacked farmer staring at me from the cab of his tractor in the adjacent field!