I hate hills at the end of the day

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New Member
goo_mason said:
Spotted recently on this particular brief climb, at around 6.30am every morning, is a Chinese granny out running - wearing a blouse, knitted waistcoat, trousers and normal granny-style shoes !

She must be in training for something as she is always keeping an eye on her watch to note her times.

Good on her - hope I'm still as active at her age.

Maybe she's just late every day for opening up her mogwai shop.


Well-Known Member
annerly hill always gets me on the way back from kent after a morning tackling toys or sundridge or other hills.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
My commute has a long downhill start and a mild climb to work, only I take the final hill into work at a steady pace so not to come in pouring in sweat. On tbe way home, said hill acts as a nice warm up, then on to a drag for the last 2 miles to my house. We live on top of a hill also, so no alternative. Keeps you fit though, and is great if you are fit.


Über Member
I'm one of those people that really like hills. They test me after i'm really really tired xD
Move to E Yorks. Hills would be an exaggeration for the lumps in the landscape we have.


New Member

I love hills, I think any cycle ride without hills would be a shame, whats the point in just cycling for the flats??

I say this because I have a shower at most ends of my journey, otherwise I would be sweaty.



Cycling in Scotland
Auld Reekie
HLaB said:
It depends how organised I am in the morning, if I get away on time its the Roseburn path, if I'm running late its Dundass Street. Its good fun coming home at night ;)

Wow, I tried going up Dundass Street once, and have avoided doing so ever since. Going down is great, with good brakes, would be better without the traffic lights:biggrin:


Champion barbed-wire hurdler
Leith, Edinburgh
HLaB said:
It depends how organised I am in the morning, if I get away on time its the Roseburn path, if I'm running late its Dundass Street. Its good fun coming home at night ;)

I can barely WALK up Dundas Street, never mind think about trying it on a bike... :sad: I've had a few fun walks down it in the snow and ice in the past, with ungritted pavements - Torville & Dean had nothing on me !

What time are you on the Roseburn path ? I'm usually on it around 6.30am, heading out to Edinburgh Park.

It's going to be much easier spotting each other once we all have our CC jerseys on :smile:
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