I am just back from my first ride in 6 years.
I had planned a route but didn't know how far it was, all cycle paths except two short stretches, and one steep hill.
Okay so I had to push the bike up the hill....but, I did a grand total of.....<drum roll please>
8.02 miles

It was better than I imagined, although I think my thighs may hate me tomorrow!
I was in lycra shorts (got tights but I find them too tight on my legs) and a cycling top - couldn't feel my thighs on the way back!
I took the lightweight jacket and needed it, as I got caught in a downpour!
The new tyres were great and I felt comfortable on slightly narrower tyres than I had been used to (MTB's)
It's done. The first one is out of the way and I'm as pleased as punch