I am such a wuss

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Über Member
Yeah, I know but thanks! :smile:

Boon 51

Deal. Kent.
Well done LF! I bought my first road bike last week and as it didn't come with any pedals I've gone straight for clip less *gulp*. My plan is to fit them, have a little ride out without clipping in to get my head around the gears and then, just maybe clip in if all is going well!

Just as a stepping stone too clipless I tried some nylon toeclips for a £5 and that gives you and idea what is going to feel like..


Well-Known Member
All, went well! Went up and down the road a couple of times then clipped in and did a 8.7 mile loop. Very easy to unclip when needed - just hope I keep remembering!


Über Member
Finally got them fitted this morning, didn't go so well! Right one won't unclip even wound slack as possible without stupid effort and the left one engages sometimes, but not others so end up fiddling about while trying to pedal. One off at a junction at about .5 miles an hour, luckily no-one watching! :wacko:

Even sat on a bridge where I could put a hand on each railing practicing but did little good. Think one of the cleats moved aswell with all the faffing about.

Sure I'll get used to them but today they were lucky they were screwed on or I would have thrown them in the river! :laugh:


Active Member
Mine arrived earlier this week, hopefully get them fitted and tested tomorrow. People have been recommending SH 56 cleats but I will be using SH 51s as they are the ones that came with the pedals (A520s)


Well-Known Member
Mine arrived earlier this week, hopefully get them fitted and tested tomorrow. People have been recommending SH 56 cleats but I will be using SH 51s as they are the ones that came with the pedals (A520s)

That's the set up I have - no problems at all :-)


There are a couple of 'Unofficial Rules' about having a Clipless Moment.
Unless clearly injured :
  • when lying on the ground - LAUGH !
    • this will take away any embarrassment :blush:
    • it will also indicate to passers-by that you are OK
    • it'll put things into perspective ;)
  • check you are physically all right (mostly you will be :thumbsup: )
  • unclip both feet and get up in a dignified manner (not very easy :laugh:)
  • move to a safe place, if necessary
  • check bike is OK (try not to cry over any scratches :cry:)
  • remount and continue on your, by now - merry way :biggrin:
  • come back on CC and tell us all about it ! :wahhey:
I have heard that it is possible :whistle: I'd love to see someone get back up without unclipping but suspect it is not really practical ... YMMV ! ;)


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
And it will (nearly) always happen when you're travelling at low speed so it's more embarrassing than painful.

Moments will (nearly) always involve falling towards the side you unclip the least. So if you unclip most with your left foot you will tend to fall over onto the pavement (generally the safer option). But if you make a point of being happy about unclipping with both feet, you'll probably stay upright and rear end the taxi that swerved in front of you to pick up a fare.


Living Legend & Old Fart
Weird 30 year old pedals came off no problem, 4 year old ones won't!
Here is a tip that someone gave me many moons ago; do not use a spanner on the non drive side pedal to fit it and just screw it in fingertight. The action of cycling will tighten it.but finger tight on the drive side could potentlally loosen it. Do not forget to put a tight smear of grease on the spindles,
Just a thought and, no, I do not want to be the 'test pilot'' for the research of a study!!! If you stay clipped and you have a clipless moment at about 12 mph, would remaining clipped in lessen the extent of your injury? The action of falling forward when walking, there is a tendancy to put your hands forward which could potentially break your collar bone when you hit the deck but it is a natural reaction!. Unclipping and jabbing your foot down could cause serious leg injury. I would prefer road rash to a broken thigh!
A few days ago, I had a clippless moment but it was more of a comedy moment! I live in a quiet part of the city,our street has no pavements and is not wide enonugh for two cars.Right foot clipped and off I go, just about to clip my left foot in amd over I go. Lunged for the gate, grabbed it and slid the bars landing on my knees and somehow putting one foot through them and betting trapped whilst being still clipped in. The sound of the clanging of a pair of double fold steel barred gates brought the neighbours out! The first few attempts at getting me up ended in failure and agony as my leg was still trapped.Eventually, with the help of a few more neighbours, Hippo, gate and bars were free once more! My biggest was a very badly ego but that has already healed!



Über Member
Found out why the left side wouldn't engage, the cleat had "fallen" off. Rode round my route to work this morning including where I had my off but can't find it. Looks like I'll be using SH51s that came with the pedals. :sad:

*Edit Fitted 51s and rode 6 or 7 miles today with no drama and no falls. They seem to clip out far easier than the 56s which after reading the posts on here seems weird, but hey ho they work and I have a bit of confidence after yesterday.


Active Member
No longer a clipless virgin! Fitted pedals this morning no problem, clipped in and out a few times no problem then went on test ride. Anti clockwise loop to minimise the right hand turns where I might need to stop. Got a PR on the first Strava segment I went through then arrived at the first right turn just over 4 miles into the ride. Normally a quiet junction it was clear left but I saw a car coming from the right at the last minute and stopped! Tried to unclip left foot as I graciously fell to the right. Fortunately my right foot seemed to free itself without me thinking about it and I came to rest with my right foot supporting the bike at an angle of around 45 degrees with my left still clipped in. Must have amused the few dog walkers passing at the time. Rest of the ride, 31 miles in all, went well apart from a heavy shower half way round. Tried to choose a route avoiding Strava segments so that I could just concentrate on pedaling. When I got back found that I was KOM on a segment I didn't know about, (alright only 1 other person had recorded a ride on it). Overall very pleased and wish I'd tried going clipless earlier - honestly its not as bad as some people make out. Go on, do it!
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