Weird 30 year old pedals came off no problem, 4 year old ones won't!
Here is a tip that someone gave me many moons ago; do not use a spanner on the non drive side pedal to fit it and just screw it in fingertight. The action of cycling will tighten it.but finger tight on the drive side could potentlally loosen it. Do not forget to put a tight smear of grease on the spindles,
Just a thought and, no, I do not want to be the 'test pilot'' for the research of a study!!! If you stay clipped and you have a clipless moment at about 12 mph, would remaining clipped in lessen the extent of your injury? The action of falling forward when walking, there is a tendancy to put your hands forward which could potentially break your collar bone when you hit the deck but it is a natural reaction!. Unclipping and jabbing your foot down could cause serious leg injury. I would prefer road rash to a broken thigh!
A few days ago, I had a clippless moment but it was more of a comedy moment! I live in a quiet part of the city,our street has no pavements and is not wide enonugh for two cars.Right foot clipped and off I go, just about to clip my left foot in amd over I go. Lunged for the gate, grabbed it and slid the bars landing on my knees and somehow putting one foot through them and betting trapped whilst being still clipped in. The sound of the clanging of a pair of double fold steel barred gates brought the neighbours out! The first few attempts at getting me up ended in failure and agony as my leg was still trapped.Eventually, with the help of a few more neighbours, Hippo, gate and bars were free once more! My biggest was a very badly ego but that has already healed!