Cheers Roadrider. When I bought the Trek the saddle that came on it felt like a razor blade and I took the one off the Pinnacle and swapped. This messed up angles and I could never get an adjustment that felt as comfortable as the Pinnacle. The other issue that I have not mentioned is that I got 3 years virtually maintenance free cycling out of the Pinnacle and the Trek has creaked and groaned since Day 1 with components going. It is the entry level model.Saddle will go up, down, forwards or back and you could potentially swap the stem for something longer or shorter. I dont think spending £600+ on another hybrid will alter your position much. Irrespective of what the marketing says.
If you are intent in buying a new bike, make sure you get test rides and be prepared to walk away if nothing you find is suitable.
I have a roadie and a hybrid. I can sit up on both and get lower on both. However I am usually lower on the road bike because it makes me want to cycle fast.
What is your mobility like? perhaps you often find yourself upright because your body is most comfortable there.
It is a very valid point about being prepared to walk away. Somehow I find it easier to walk out of a car show room than a bike shop, where I feel the staff are genuine and on my side!