Hunt XC Spoke repair

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I like Skol

A Minging Manc...
Isn't Hunt supposed to be a premium make?
Does make you wonder why a brass nipple isn't fitted in the first place if the aluminum ones are prone to failure. The difference in cost must be small. I guess it's because they use or order so many thousand at a time and the aluminum nipples are x pence cheaper they use those. A very poor business decision when you think how this could hurt their reputation.

Aluminium nipples are not used as a cost saving, and I doubt they are cheaper anyway. It is all about weight so Hunt can claim their super light wheels are 5 or 10 grams lighter and worth £££ more, which is fine as long as you don't want to ride on them.....


I'd always avoided truing wheels after hearing so many stories about it being really difficult to get right and really easy to totally screw it up so the first time I had to true a wheel was in the wilds of Iceland!! Broke a spoke 3 days into an 8 day trip. Replaced the spoke, trued the wheel and the day after one of the guys was behind me and said he was amazed I'd got it so perfect. It was much easier than the stories lead you to believe.


Legendary Member
Accra, Ghana
That was my view but the bike builder (it was someone else's custom job) built it for lightness. It's only about 9kg in total. Have ordered a pack of spares and will check each one to see if some might need replaced prematurely. I use this bike for long distance touring so having spokes break in the middle of nowhere is not a fun idea.
Is it a good idea to use ultra light wheels for long distance touring?
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