How to get rid of fat on belly and moobs?

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Nr Cambridge
Chin ups are an excellent exercise for increasing upper body strength and lower back strength as you can also twist as well ie bring your legs and knees up 90 deg in front and legs tucked underneath. Twist toward both sides. Hold and back again. This will really stetch your lower back and strengthen your upper body.

Two simple things. Don't eat a lot of carbs in the evening before going to bed. Try and eat more protein - eggs? In these summer evenings go for a walk in the evening after supper to aid digestion and burn off cals.

In terms of exercises - stretching arms, neck, rotating upper body, neck press, curls for biceps, chin press.

Crunches for abdominals on floor feet hooked under a bed, arms behind one's head, diagonal right elbow to let knee and vice versa increase repitions in groups of x10, do 50 -100 in intervals. Also straight crunches with arms behind head x 50 and crunches again lying on one's back just slightly lifting shoulders off the floor tensing abdominal muscles and stretching both arms to your heals legs bent half folded. Do x60 or more. Legs out in front of you gently bounce your legs on the floor to loosen your muscles.

Stand up, feet shoulder width apart and rotate hips clockwise and counter clockwise as if spinning a large hoop keeping legs straight hands on hips x10 in each direction. Then bend knees feet slightly apart and actually rotate hips as rotate your lower back in a 360 deg rotation. Hands on hips do x10 in each direction. Do previous hip exercise again to loosen hips both directions.

Lower body stretching sitting on floor with legs stretched out in front, touch toes and figers over tops of toes strectching the hamstrings, bend each leg to the side folded up and stretch down one leg, over the other leg and at 45 degs, gently rock. Fold eack leg with heal into groin and press down on inside of knee again several times gently rocking on the inside of the knee. sitting on the floor fold legs in so heals are in your groin press on inside of knees with your elbows on the inside of your legs pressing them down stretching the inside muscles.

Press ups on knuckles and elbows close to your side x30 each in intervals of three, squat thrusts x40 -50 or how ever many you can manage. Be sure to do them properly though. Breath properly.

Stretch forward on one knee getting your hips low keeping rear leg stretched behind but relaxed. Do the other knee. Stretch between your legs and down to each side toward your foot.

Do some running.


Legendary Member
Crankarm said:
Chin ups are an excellent exercise for increasing upper body strength and lower back strength as you can also twist as well ie bring your legs and knees up 90 deg in front and legs tucked underneath. Twist toward both sides. Hold and back again. This will really stetch your lower back and strengthen your upper body.

Two simple things. Don't eat a lot of carbs in the evening before going to bed. Try and eat more protein - eggs? In these summer evenings go for a walk in the evening after supper to aid digestion and burn off cals.

In terms of exercises - stretching arms, neck, rotating upper body, neck press, curls for biceps, chin press.

Crunches for abdominals on floor feet hooked under a bed, arms behind one's head, diagonal right elbow to let knee and vice versa increase repitions in groups of x10, do 50 -100 in intervals. Also straight crunches with arms behind head x 50 and crunches again lying on one's back just slightly lifting shoulders off the floor tensing abdominal muscles and stretching both arms to your heals legs bent half folded. Do x60 or more. Legs out in front of you gently bounce your legs on the floor to loosen your muscles.
Stand up, feet shoulder width apart and rotate hips clockwise and counter clockwise as if spinning a large hoop keeping legs straight hands on hips x10 in each direction. Then bend knees feet slightly apart and actually rotate hips as rotate your lower back in a 360 deg rotation. Hands on hips do x10 in each direction. Do previous hip exercise again to loosen hips both directions.

Lower body stretching sitting on floor with legs stretched out in front, touch toes and figers over tops of toes strectching the hamstrings, bend each leg to the side folded up and stretch down one leg, over the other leg and at 45 degs, gently rock. Fold eack leg with heal into groin and press down on inside of knee again several times gently rocking on the inside of the knee. sitting on the floor fold legs in so heals are in your groin press on inside of knees with your elbows on the inside of your legs pressing them down stretching the inside muscles.

Press ups on knuckles and elbows close to your side x30 each in intervals of three, squat thrusts x40 -50 or how ever many you can manage. Be sure to do them properly though. Breath properly.

Stretch forward on one knee getting your hips low keeping rear leg stretched behind but relaxed. Do the other knee. Stretch between your legs and down to each side toward your foot.

Do some running.

This is a pretty good all round routine, it reminds me of the warm up before a good session years ago in the martail arts, BUT what i have highlighted is the only thing i wouldnt do, its not good for your lower back and can cause some problems if done regularly, but otherwise this is a good one to follow, just do it as hard or as steady as you feel, and slow controled movement, no jerking on the stretching three times a week. Nice one.
That routine is abit confusing, mainly because reading the exercises I cant picture it in my head how to do it.

I cant do many pressups, I did 11 today, second try I managed 10, 3rd try I managed 8, my arms where quite wide apart.

And I cant run, it'll kill my knee literally.


Legendary Member
willhub said:
That routine is abit confusing, mainly because reading the exercises I cant picture it in my head how to do it.

I cant do many pressups, I did 11 today, second try I managed 10, 3rd try I managed 8, my arms where quite wide apart.

And I cant run, it'll kill my knee literally.

Dont worry about doing lots of reps , that will come as your strength increases, just do them until its difficult at first then try to add one rep until you can do that just, then go for another, you will be surprised how quickly your strength will increase. As for running, it was never something i could do without aches and pains in my knees and feet, so use your cycling and maybe swimming too for your cardio fitness.
Whatever you do though, keep training regularly or you wont get the benefit, and be patient, your strength will increase in time.


Legendary Member
willhub said:
Well it's possible I wont be able to do enough cycling for cardio fitness, I'm looking on the dark side abit but my knee aint letting up at the moment. Any cardio fitness where it does not involve moving yer legs alot?

The thing that makes cardio and leg work easier, if thats the word to use but you know what i mean, is that they are large muscles and get you breathing and the blood flowing a lot more than say just swinging your arms. But having said that you can get a hell of a work out cardio wise witha heavy bag and some gloves, also maybe try a rower and relax your legs on the pull and isolate your back and arms on it, this could work too. But its not as easy to get a cardio workout without using your legs, but you can compramise with things like these. Swimming is great too, you can let your legs drag instead of kicking if it starts to agravate your knees.
Basically anything that gets you out of breath is good, you will just have to try different things until you find something that taxes your cardio enough to improve your fitness. good luck and stay with it.


New Member

Intake of complex carbohydrates are a great way to get rid of fat because it will help to keep your blood sugar regulated. Oatmeal, yams, and wheat bread are good source of carbohydrates.


Formerly just_fixed
moobs are not necassarily caused by fat storage. they can be caused by an inbalance of ostregen (is this how you spell it?). big drinkers for example get moobs because the alcohol abuse causes a permanent inbalance and no amount of weights / dieting / training will get rid. think of the extreme, bodybuilders with tits. see your doctor if they don't go when you are at your bmi.

De Sisti

willhub said:
As above, most importantly, how to get rid of moobs? Preferably without going to the gym.


Proper press ups (not the cheating ones;))


willhub said:
As above, most importantly, how to get rid of moobs? Preferably without going to the gym.


you should be able to do quite a lot of upperbody exercise sitting in a chair in the kitchen.
You need some advice on which muscle groups you need to exercise and what you need to do to achieve it .

For example use the arms on a carver chair.(You can do a few reps throughout the day whilst you surf.)
Press your bodyweight off the chair.
Pull down on the chair arms and hold
keep some small dumbells by the chair to do some exercises . I use some old lead clock weights which weigh about 10 lbs each.


Squat Member
As stated many times here do pushups, pullups, situps then integrate swiss ball for a larger core routine. Your fist wimpy 20 wont take long to build on, aim to increase by a couple each workout till you can do loads. If it becomes too easy you can start adding weight or move to one-arm, different hand positions etc.

De Sisti

Garz said:
As stated many times here do pushups, pullups, situps then integrate swiss ball for a larger core routine. Your fist wimpy 20 wont take long to build on, aim to increase by a couple each workout till you can do loads. If it becomes too easy you can start adding weight or move to one-arm, different hand positions etc.

He just won't listen. :wacko::wacko: He's after attention.


New Member
northern ireland
what i done to lose weight quickly for a short period was limit my calorie intake to 1000/1200 per a day intake for a short while worked a treat with lots of water per a day, now i try to stick to around 2000/2500 per a day like but still am losing weight when out on the bike 3 times a week average 20 mph and do 69miles which is not bad considering i had a short battle with a nasty virus for 3 years and post fatigue after that for a year and then after that tonsillitis for a month and im back to well under a size 32'' waist and preparing for racing next year. circuit training is good start of slow and steady i.e. 10 then next week 20 and so on and then max out at like 200 press ups, 200 situps, 200 squats every other day like 3 times a week worked for me and you can add weigths training to and then streching training is great for flexibility and getting a more aero profile useful in tts.


New Member
northern ireland
mattharry said:

Intake of complex carbohydrates are a great way to get rid of fat because it will help to keep your blood sugar regulated. Oatmeal, yams, and wheat bread are good source of carbohydrates.

intake of took much carbs turns to glucose which turns to fat if not burned which = put on weight.


Squat Member
andyhunter said:
intake of took much carbs turns to glucose which turns to fat if not burned which = put on weight.

If you eat these foods at start of day or for breakfast they will be fine. It's when you eat this stuff later in the day that you could store it. Again this ties in with portion sizes.

On days you know you wont do any exercise its best to cut back on the carbs. The rest is down to how regimental you are.
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