How to deal with ****ers

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I'm completely new to riding as a hobby/fitness, the last time I really used to ride bikes was when I was a young boy (I'm still only 18) making ramps and tearing my legs up in the process (good times).

Since getting into it again I've noticed, people can't help but be nasty, whether it's kids in their Citroen Saxo or men outside shops there's always abuse.

So I was wondering, how do you deal with it?
Cyclecraft to minimise the problems from other road users, water off a ducks back for the rest of it.


South Somerset
Thick skin in most cases or the Nescafé shake.

Or the bent little finger.


Active Member
Im only just getting into this cycling lark like you, I too am only a youngling, 19 in fact! I was shocked at some of the 'rude-ness' of some people towards cyclists. You'll get used to it though, and you'll soon find being branded as a cyclist funny! Laughing away at the old 'why dont you get a car' comments or the 'you should pay road tax':laugh:
Luckily Im cycling back home in Wales at the moment, and everyone so far has been superb! Holding back on country roads until they can over take/I pull in to let them overtake when I find somewhere safe and even giving me waves as they drive past! Superb! Even if I do get a few strange looks because of the lycra ;)

My reactions range from unleashing the the rage from the deepest pits of hell with countless terrible words and insults, all the way to 'No worries mate!'. Obviously the former is reserved for people who have seriously scared me or put me in a life or death type of situation.
You learn to accept the tossers and ignore them. I dont really react to much at all, but when I do I go crazy - Im not proud of it but heyho, when youve been hit by a car being polite goes out the window!

Id recomend reading cyclecraft too - The advice in there has changed my riding on the road for the better.

Just ignore the horrid types as much as you can, at the end of the day its not worth getting upset abou, just ride off with a smile on your face and leave them to worry about heart disease! :bicycle:


Most of the time its the finger wiggle, "nescafe" shake or just a nod of my head (very effective at night with the helmet light). Sometimes it's a few muttered words or even the odd shout. Once I let it get to me with a ped who despite my best efforts continued to walk in a cycle only lane ignoring me and then started swearing at me so I grabbed him by his colar (proper fight club moment) to which he backed down immediately and apologised.

Not overly proud of that reaction although it did release all my anger, I suggest you stick to thinking what a kn*b someone is with the occassional shake of the head...
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