How to cook perfect porridge

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Porridge Oats are very high in phytates. Phytates are found in many plant foods, as they are the principal form of storage of phosphorous in plant tissues, particularly in grains, legumes and seeds. Phytates are indigestible to humans and other non-ruminant animals however, and therefore are not a dietary source of phosphorous.

Further to this, phytates chelate to other minerals in food such as zinc, iron, calcium and magnesium, thus preventing them from being absorbed via digestion!

Must admit I am a cereal porridge eater, my recipe is top secret, in other words varies from day to day.


The older I get, the faster I used to be ...
Half a cup raisins (Aldi), half a cup to overflowing oats (Lidl), One and half cups cold water, bring to boil, stir till thickens, simmer for 5 minutes. Leave to cool 5 minutes. serve with 3+ tablespoons low fat Greek style yogurt (Lidl). Easy:thumbsup:.


Senior Member
I don't like cycling on a full stomach and would have to get up ridiculously early to have breakfast before work. So I take those instant sachets of Oat so simple to work. Golden syrup flavour with full fat milk, yum. Only trouble is it doesn't keep me full until lunch. I'm always hungry, especially this week, been eating tons of chicken.
No thanks - Co-op Simply Value porridge oats today, 79p for a kilogram bag!
Me too,
With 'full-fat' milk, cane sugar, & Co-Ops cheapest bags of Mixed Fruit from the bakery section

Can't eat it before running to work on the early-turn, as it'd mean getting up at an even sillier hour (than 03:30), as I can't eat less than 3 hours before running (my own time-scale, found by experimentation)


The older I get, the faster I used to be ...
Wooden spoon works for me. No need to stir continuously.


100g oats in a bowl, stir an egg and handful of sultanas in, about a pint of milk, 5mins in microwave, stir, another 2-3mins, honey, nutmeg and cinamonn on top. But I eat that for tea if I'm on a diet, if I'm riding the bike I eat wtf I like.


Legendary Member
I love the positive spin of this post, suggesting that, somehow, through the application of good cooking skills porridge can be made into something other than nasty goo in a bowl. It's like saying there are good and bad mushy peas, nope, it still just green sludge.


The older I get, the faster I used to be ...
I love the positive spin of this post, suggesting that, somehow, through the application of good cooking skills porridge can be made into something other than nasty goo in a bowl. It's like saying there are good and bad mushy peas, nope, it still just green sludge.


Well-Known Member
I love the positive spin of this post, suggesting that, somehow, through the application of good cooking skills porridge can be made into something other than nasty goo in a bowl. It's like saying there are good and bad mushy peas, nope, it still just green sludge.

How dare you...mushy peas are amazing :biggrin:.


Well-Known Member
If I do porridge, I use the old school cheating method:

Porridge sachets from Aldi (or possibly Lidl!!), milk and lob it all in a pan...yes, a pan....who needs microwaves!!!

Oh, and sometimes a squeeze of honey, or fruit of my choice (blueberries, apricots, sultanas etc.).
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