Perfect Virgo
This is a very serious point. Yesterday my overall average drooped from 18.3 to 18.2 all because of an ill-timed erruption. It's no laughing matter! I need advice!
As a side issue (point, rather than gust!) I have the same problem when running. The pounding sets up intestinal vibrations which end up shaking loose a while volley of rifle shots. Most disconcerting if you are running past a queue at a bus-stop! :?: I try to wait till I reach a crossroads and stop to lean forward against a traffic light post. Picture the scene - I look as if I am attempting to push the post over while I pretend I am stretching leg muscles.
As a side issue (point, rather than gust!) I have the same problem when running. The pounding sets up intestinal vibrations which end up shaking loose a while volley of rifle shots. Most disconcerting if you are running past a queue at a bus-stop! :?: I try to wait till I reach a crossroads and stop to lean forward against a traffic light post. Picture the scene - I look as if I am attempting to push the post over while I pretend I am stretching leg muscles.