How to annoy dogs !

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Active Member
snorri said:
I was cycling along a single track road today in my hi viz jacket and saw ahead of me a woman at the side of the road and three dogs running around in random circles. The woman called the dogs and the three of them rushed over and sat down around her.:thumbsup: I was seriously shocked, but said thank you and smiled as I cycled past.
It is good to meet a responsible dog owner.:rofl::smile:

What amazes me is how little control the dog owners have over their dogs after fido has decided to attack you.......

They stand there the darling little pooch ( who would never hurt a fly) is doing its best to sink its teeth into your leg:smile:

But my favourite trick is the dog owner who does the right thing and picks up fido's pointed turds and puts them in a plastic bag..................THEN leaves the plastic bag by the side of the track !!!!!

I do think some dog owners should be put down !


Bimbleur extraordinaire
Back up north
Speck said:

Might just try one of those...

(hope they work better than the supposedly-endorsed-by-the-RSPCA cat scarer that I put in my garden, that appeared to have no effect whatsoever on next door's cat!)


Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
Military helicopters use metal chaff to confuse incoming hostile missiles.

You simply need to keep a supply of cats in your bar bag, and jettison one each time a dog approaches.


As long as I breathe, I attack.
Last time a dog jumped at me i put my hand on its head mid flight and rammed it into the ground , it ran off shocked and i am damn sure i could not do it again even if i wanted to , pure reflex or luck more like it :blush:


Well-Known Member
England / France
ultrasonic dog scarers

I bought one of those ultrasonic dog scarers. I tested it on a neighbour's dog. It pricked up its ears and trotted towards me to see what the noise was, not scared at all. I suppose that proves that dogs can actually hear them.
I've tried using it while out cycling, but I can't say I've scared any dogs yet.


Senior Member
A little googling tells me that research indicates that dogs' colour vision is different than ours. Rather than being trichromatic, theirs is only dichromatic-- they see yellow-blue, but are red-green color blind. Yellow really stands out like a searchlight in a dog's otherwise muted world, which might well explain their interest in your hi-viz.


New Member
West Yorkshire
You have my sympathy, I was recently knocked off and bitten by a quite friendly looking dog a short time ago on a local cycle route to me. I think it has something to do with bright colours. Trouble is we use bright colours for saftey.



Dont worry :wacko: - s/he's only being friendly :wacko:


BigSteev said:
A little googling tells me that research indicates that dogs' colour vision is different than ours. Rather than being trichromatic, theirs is only dichromatic-- they see yellow-blue, but are red-green color blind. Yellow really stands out like a searchlight in a dog's otherwise muted world, which might well explain their interest in your hi-viz.

Thats really interesting !


New Member
West Yorkshire
Maybe we could all carry packs of high viz yellow discs about the size of a beer mat and upon sighting a dog throw them around to distract the offending pooch as we pass. Although personally I like the shotgun idea, more fun, forget the bear spray too much baggage.


Still wavin'
Ovver 'thill
slowmotion said:
Military helicopters use metal chaff to confuse incoming hostile missiles.

You simply need to keep a supply of cats in your bar bag, and jettison one each time a dog approaches.
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