How short before you'd just walk?

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Legendary Member
Depends on convenience. How safe is the bike if I leave it, how long does it take in heavy traffic in the car, how long is the bus ride and how convenient are the bus stops?

I often walked into town when I lived in Dumfries (about 2 miles), into work when I was in Stornoway (about 1.5 miles) and about 2 miles to bus stop when I worked in Sandwell.


Kilometre nibbler
It'd depend massively on what the walk is. I know it's not cycling but when I get the train into work in London I have a choice of a short-ish bus or tube ride or a 20-odd min walk. I go for the walk every time because it's always interesting to walk through London and there are tons of different routes. But when I worked in Slough and had the option of a similar length walk along the A4 I never walked.


I've been working from home from the start of the Pandemic but when I was office based, I had an approximate 30 brisk minute walk to get there and I walked every day, hail, rain or snow.

Several reasons - I enjoy a good walk, I couldn't have cycled the route I walked and the quickest alternative really isn't bike-friendly with 3 very busy multilane roundabouts which I'd prefer not to ride in rush hour traffic and it's much easier to stay dry when you're walking under a huge umbrella.
I think I would still cycle that as a oppose to what I guess is a 30min walk. One of my previous commutes was 10 mins but it gave me a lot of flexibility to extend it or get home fast. I commuted in my office clothes with a thin pair of montane overtrousers to keep the office trousers clean. Before that I had an even shorter commute 3-4mins cycle/ 15min walk and I alternated but preferred the bike, again as it gave me flexibility. What might make me reconsider is if I didn't have somewhere at the far end to secure my bike.


Today i follow the flying spaghetti monster
Leafy Surrey
Used to do a lot of walking to London sites from Waterloo station. These days it's a hire bike.
Doesn't matter if it's a tiny distance; I just take a gratuitously scenic route.
I've been looking for a new job because although I like my current one, I spend far too long in the car getting to and from it (too far to ride, public transport timings don't work well, and I can't work remotely)

I've seen one that's of interest that is (according to google) a cycle commute of under 10 minutes. I think by the time I've got the bike out at one end and locked it up at the other I'd be almost as quick walking. Add any change of gear because of heat / rain in to the mix and it gets even closer in time.

Which got me to thinking, what is the shortest distance you would commute by bike? Personally I think for this distance I'd walk sometimes and cycle mostly, if only because I'd kid myself on that I might take a longer route home.

I live about 1 km from work, and I tend to ride just because it's faster. I ride in my work clothes because over that distance it makes no difference. If it's cold I wear a thicker coat, if it rains I wear my Akubra and a waterproof. If I need to go shopping (like I do tonight) I'll loop via Lidl.

I must admit that I really like the way that I can leave work and know that in under half an hour, I'll be home, showered, dressed, and doing something I want to do.
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Itching to get back on my bike's
Last office job I had was a 2 mile ride as the crow flies, my route into work ended up being between 4-5 miles


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
I used to commute 12½ miles to work 4 or 5 days a week, using the car in grotty weather. Knee issues preclude it now, sadly.
Shopping or just getting somewhere can depend on if there's somewhere safe to lock up, and how much I need to carry.
Time your kit up/lock up each end for an easy ride in civillian clothing. Walk for this time to guage distance. Generally any walk of double this distance is cycling but my bike is setup for grab and go riding.


My rule of thumb... if the walk is fifteen minutes or more, I'll get the bike out. If not, I'll just walk.

That's about my guide as well.
When I was at school, we lived about a mile from the school and I always used to walk. Even walked home for lunch (or was it "Dinner", but that's another debate!).
I used to be envious of other boys, who lived further away and had to cycle in.

Slightly OT, but how short would a commute need to be to consider riding every day?
In my final stint at work, I could manage a 12mile commute each way, 5 days a week if needed. But a previous employment, 23 miles each way proved too much and could ony do 2 or 3 days per week.
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As long as I breathe, I attack.
I live about 1 km from work, and I tend to ride just because it's faster. I ride in my work clothes because over that distance it makes no difference. If it's cold I wear a thicker coat, if it rains I wear my Akubra and a waterproof. If I need to go shopping (like I do tonight) I'll loop via Lidl.

I must admit that I really like the way that I can leave work and know that in under half an hour, I'll be home, showered, dressed, and doing something I want to do.

i would concur with this , for a short distance the act of getting into full cycle gear would probably lose more time than you would gain by faffing about .
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