How on earth do people motivate themselves?

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Fab Foodie said:
Just f'ING DO IT YUOU GOOD FOR NOTHING TOSS-POT. In the real world there is no room for such introspection...eithert get the job done or get ready toi be shipped-out. The commercial world takes no prisoners. Learn now or learn'syour choice...if you thinmk Uni's hard, try working for a living. Lifes a bitch and then you die. Get on with it you waster.

er... no, actually, I would have to disagree. I think work's easier. For me, it just seems that all I have to do is remember to turn up, and the actual content of it all just comes naturally.
With Uni, it was just a whole load of living in crap houses and trying to figure out stuff that doesn't make ANY sense.

Jacomus-rides-Gen said:
I am currently a day late on an essay (so have lost 5% off my end mark already) and have written 155 words of utter drivel. I have 1500 more to go.

The problem is - I just can't bring myself to care. I honestly do not give a rats ass if I fail or not, I know that after 4 years, a £10,000 loan, tuition fees and rent, I really should care. A LOT. But I just don't.

I had vague feelings when I was prodded into university that it wasn't right for me, but I overrode those thoughts, because going to uni is what everyone did when they left school.

IHow the hell do i motivate myself enough to get the frickking thing done!

Just rest safe in the knowledge that it doesn't matter what degree you get, or whether you actually remember any of it, some employers will think slightly more highly of you if you have got a degree.


Resting in suspended Animation
Jacomus, I think most people have those feelings when they are at uni. Not much to say about finishing things, sometimes it doesn't even feel better afterwards, just it is over! Anyway well done and as bonj says some employers will think slightly higher of you for your degree and subject as it says something about you as a person. Some people won't give a monkeys about it but some of them are people you don't really want to worry about (as with other things in life!).

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
Jacomus-rides-Gen said:


Not worth the paper its printed on but done.

Well done. Now get rat-arsed.:biggrin:

I don't agree with those who say that a Degree will only helps slightly, it depends whether the degree is an arty-farty type or vocational, in my case to be a Biochemist and have a reasonable job, you need a degree in Biochemistry...many job adverst require "at least degree level education" and unless you have one your fantastic CV will be filed in the big round filing cabinet on the floor.
If you're doing the wrong course, that's another matter, but until you make that decision, it's worth making the effort to finish your current course at a reasonable level.


Fab Foodie said:
Well done. Now get rat-arsed.:biggrin:

I don't agree with those who say that a Degree will only helps slightly, it depends whether the degree is an arty-farty type or vocational, in my case to be a Biochemist and have a reasonable job, you need a degree in Biochemistry...many job adverst require "at least degree level education" and unless you have one your fantastic CV will be filed in the big round filing cabinet on the floor.
If you're doing the wrong course, that's another matter, but until you make that decision, it's worth making the effort to finish your current course at a reasonable level.

my degree's neither, perhaps that's why it hasn't helped me much... :biggrin:


back and brave
Abitrary said:
He claims to be a manic depressive, and that always raises polemic,

You mean there is some doubt? I thought he had been diagnosed bipolar? In his program on the subject, he talked to the actress Carrie Fisher and you could tell there was something 'odd' (unstable?) about her. Fry seems much more balanced.

I've got an arty farty degree (linguistics) and have to say that whilst it is a hugely interesting subject to me, that it's been sod all use in the 'real world'... unless of course you consider academia as the real world. Which it is for some. I couldn't hack academia myself, I would end up loopy!

I find 'real world' work easier but way more depressing than university assignments etc. At university, at least the subject interested me... how many can say that about their job? :biggrin:


New Member
walker said:
Erm no!! I went straight out and got a job and as much as I'm going to get stick for saying it, I did'nt want to spung off the state. If you knew it was'nt for you you should of stuck up for youself and not let mummy and daddy push you into something

I'd hardly call it sponging off the state! :biggrin:

You are defo correct about that part walker.

FF - cheers for the kick up the @ss, it helped me get it done, but when I spent my year working for Big Investment Bank, I found it so much easier than academic work, because I was working hard, to achieve something measurable.

I guess that is my problem with motivation throughout my uni career, I for some reason, don't see the qualitfication at the end as something measureable. Thats probably bollox, but its how I feel. I feel like an impostor, just scraping through my degree knowing all the while I shouldn't be here.

Well, in a couple of months I'll have a piece of paper to say that I didn't try very hard for 4 years, and will be free to follow my heart out of academia and into something I can be good at :biggrin:


Melksham, Wilts
Im planning to go to uni and study History I am hoping as its a interest of mine it should be less of a strain.


Resting in suspended Animation
miloat said:
Im planning to go to uni and study History I am hoping as its a interest of mine it should be less of a strain.

Well best of luck with that. I had many History friends at uni. Some of them seemed quite a disillusioned bunch from a super huge department and low number of teaching hours i.e. about 6. My best friend did history at another uni and had the time of his life.


Melksham, Wilts
Which uni may i ask?
Id like to go to bath as I love the city but ive yet to look into there history dept.
Start the year long access course in september.


Resting in suspended Animation
I went to York, best friend went to Bangor. I don't know anything about Bath I'm afraid, it's one of the universities I've never even visited. The comment about teaching hours is not just my opinion, there were pieces in national newspapers about it and even a university commissioned report that criticised it.


miloat said:
...Start the year long access course in september.
That's good - it will give you a taster of history as an academic subject, rather than a personal interest. The two may or may not coincide. I was fascinated by anthropology, until I started a part-time academic course in it - which I never finished...

I'd say "Good luck", but success at undergraduate level has very little to do with luck. A degree in history will need to be a good one to be valuable. Mature students and people who came from access courses had a pretty good record at the university I went to - they actively wanted to be there.


Well-Known Member
North London.
I know how you feel. I'm doing a part time BSc and working full time simultaneously and find it incredibly difficult to motivate myself as far as Uni work is concerned.
My degree is vocational and will help me break through a glass ceiling at work. Just need to get that piece of paper to get a pay rise of a few grand each year for doing exactly the same job. And I'm really fed up with it. I'm coming to the end of it soon but really sometimes feel like jacking it all in. Even now so close to the end. :tongue:
The tutors are so obtuse and vague and basically very hard work in themselves. :biggrin: A timetable would have been really helpful but even that seems too much for them.
Really looking forward to getting it over with and getting the hell out of there!
Then I can relax a bit more and start enjoying myself again. Just got to get a 2:2 and I'll be gone! :sad:
Keep at it, the end is in sight and you (and I) know it will be worth it in the end.
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