Fab Foodie said:Just f'ING DO IT YUOU GOOD FOR NOTHING TOSS-POT. In the real world there is no room for such introspection...eithert get the job done or get ready toi be shipped-out. The commercial world takes no prisoners. Learn now or learn later...it'syour choice...if you thinmk Uni's hard, try working for a living. Lifes a bitch and then you die. Get on with it you waster.
er... no, actually, I would have to disagree. I think work's easier. For me, it just seems that all I have to do is remember to turn up, and the actual content of it all just comes naturally.
With Uni, it was just a whole load of living in crap houses and trying to figure out stuff that doesn't make ANY sense.
Jacomus-rides-Gen said:I am currently a day late on an essay (so have lost 5% off my end mark already) and have written 155 words of utter drivel. I have 1500 more to go.
The problem is - I just can't bring myself to care. I honestly do not give a rats ass if I fail or not, I know that after 4 years, a £10,000 loan, tuition fees and rent, I really should care. A LOT. But I just don't.
I had vague feelings when I was prodded into university that it wasn't right for me, but I overrode those thoughts, because going to uni is what everyone did when they left school.
IHow the hell do i motivate myself enough to get the frickking thing done!
Just rest safe in the knowledge that it doesn't matter what degree you get, or whether you actually remember any of it, some employers will think slightly more highly of you if you have got a degree.