How long to get ready....?

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Forgetting stereotypes for a min...... how long does it take to get you ready to ride...? Male or female .. any difference ...?

Wintertime is even more time consuming with extra layers to consider... but it can be a good 30 to 45 minutes ( even more probably, I have to own up) to get the bike outside.. clothed up.. fueled up.. hrm'd armed.. P*** kittage checkd... bike onceovered....tyres plumped up ... phone in.. helmet on.. gloved...shoed ... yeah .. damn need the loo ... finally finally .. swinging leg, breathing in.. anything forgot....? damn .. the mini pump.....
in essence, its expeditionesque to get rolling on the road!


I hear you, sometimes you have those days when you're not supposed to leave the house. They're the days when you have to go back in to the house for various items such as money, phone, drink bottle etc etc. I have actually abandoned rides when I'm having one of those days, it really can take up to an hour to get out of the house on a bad day!


back and brave
I have those 'forget everything' days too, where I seem to be pissing about to-ing and fro-ing, forgetting stuff, back upstairs to look for it, indecision over which gloves, etc etc etc - it can take 30 or 40 minutes I guess. But that only really happens for smaller or impromptu rides.

Longer rides or early starts, I get ready the evening before and lay out the stuff I need in the order I need it! Nothing worse than getting togged up for a winter ride and then realise I haven't got the HRM chest strap on! Well there is actually... getting togged up and then needing to go for a dump!

But there are those lovely times when I decide to go for a ride and I'm changed and out the door within 10 minutes!


New Member
Beside the road
It seems to take about 30mins. I'm always running around trying to find a matching set of gloves, remember what I did with my pump / multi-tool.

One day I will be organised!


New Member
Like yello I try to plan things the day before. I ride a hybrid with a rack and panniers and I always have overshoes / multi tool / spare tube / spare batteries / spare light / pump in the pannier as part of my "standard kit."

Lay out clothes the night before so I can just put them on. Also try to make sure I've got some bread rolls out of the freezer to defrost so I can make some butties in the morning. And I check I've charged my lights.

The thing I find most useful is to have a little corner of the house (for me it is half a shelf on a bookcase) where I have a box to keep my cycling related bits in. My light is in the box when it is charging, my keys, my ipod, my ipod holder, my earphones etc are also kept in the box.

But even on a good day it is 10 mins to get ready.


Über Member
No more than 15min here - I have all my kit ready to go on it's own shelf in the shed and my clothing lives in a separate drawer so I am usually ready within a few minutes.

As an aside, why does puncture come up with **** through it all the time?? :rolleyes:

Steve Austin

The Marmalade Kid
Less than ten minutes. Anything more and i'm not getting ready, just wasting time, when i could be riding.


New Member
15mins from bed to bike and that includes a helping of wheetabix and toast. Just check that the brakes are OK and that the back door is locked and I am off.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
15 mins from deciding to go out, bike out, changed on bike. If commuting then 45 mins including feeding the 3 cats then myself (yes in that order), some jobs in kitchen (pots, bins etc) etc....
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