When you have these idiots risking both themselves and you by playing this suicidal new variation of 'chicken' when they run into your path at the last second, you'll know why I've bought an Air Zound. It happens to me almost every second day, and sometimes twice a day at the moment and eventually someone is going to come off worst when they misjudge their prank. One almost did last week, when he was so bloody stupid that he forgot that the trick is to stop and not get totally in the cyclist's path.
Had I hit him, this toerag would in all likelihood have lied through his childish teeth and claimed that he didn't see or hear me coming and I would have landed with 100% of the blame. This way I can give a quick toot if I spot the trick coming so they don't have that excuse should an accident happen. Unless they're deaf, they can't claim not to have heard an Air Zound.
Would you rather I stopped well in advance of any groups of two or more kids and dismounted and walked past them just to make sure they weren't going to jump in my path for a laugh ?
I don't know what the kids are like your way, but some of the little neds round this way are dangerous; they know all of their rights but none of the responsibilities that go along with them. When you've had bottles thrown at you from bridges over the path and been threatened with one waving a brick at you and yelling "f**k you, mister - COME ON, THEN !!" when simply cycling along the path, you know it's no longer a case of "FFS - they're only children playing !"
As some of the other posters have commented, they have had experience of the same types of kids and their 'games' as I have and TheDoctor especially so. If they were kids like mine, I'd agree. But these kids act like little hoodlums who have no fear of anyone or anything. A toot of a horn is the least harmful thing that'll happen to them if they continue to play this 'game'. One day some poor cyclist will hit one of them and then there'll be trouble....
Oh, and I checked the box carefully and nowhere does it state that you should only use your Air Zound on the road and against vehicles. And I'm a proper 'man' and everything too - I just checked in my pants that it's still there...