vorsprung said:
you are interested in "the levels of commitment required"
Ah, vorsprung, welcome to the world of yello! I'm not really after answers! I like aimless discussion, directionless thought, belly button gazing, etc etc etc. I see facts as applying only to specific sets of circumstances and never really saying a lot to me about the big picture. Pointers at best. Useful without being particularly interesting.
But it is interesting to me that you are choosing family over LEL this year. (Incidentally, I think this entirely sane and to be applauded! Many people wouldn't). I think 'family come first' is the kind of factor that comes into play with peoples decisions about 'how far is too far'.
IF (note

) one prepares for LEL (say) then that might mean forsaking other things; commitments, engagements, desires... whatever. I find that balance that we all strike at different times for different things interesting. Or, more specifically, the point at which the balance tips one way or t'other. And, as I said earlier, the point where the interest becomes an obsession - however you define obsession.
As for my LEL, my prep is going well enough. I like to answer my own questions too, not just slavishly follow someone else's best advice. I'm not convinced of the need to ride a 600 for instance, or even 400 for that matter. My concentration at the moment is getting used to spending hours in the saddle on consecutive days; knowing that I can coax some effort out of tired legs etc. I've done consecutive 200s and I'm planning of doing consecutive 300s next month. Oh, and I need to learn to slow down! That really is proving difficult to learn!