How does a train driver know when to start slowing down...

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Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Well, at a rough guess, not being one myself, I'd assume a mixture of knowing landmarks, and signals.


Lunatic Asylum Escapee
Well, at a rough guess, not being one myself, I'd assume a mixture of knowing landmarks, and signals.
You are correct, route knowledge, markers and speed indicators and distance indicators for sections of track all add to the drivers experience, plus today most trains are computer controlled, so the driver knows what section of track he's on at any given time.
Drivers are allocated routes and they learn them including braking points before going solo.
They must have a better memory than me!

I wonder if they ever forget which service they're driving: the one that hardly stops, the one that stops at a few stations or the one that stops at every single one. Do they ever blithely whizz through a station they were supposed to stop at?


Random Resident
If your driving a steam train your an Engineer , if its a diesel train your a train driver , my mates drives trains and it takes two years to qualify and he says breaks on a train are really bad.


Started young, and still going.
You are correct, route knowledge, markers and speed indicators and distance indicators for sections of track all add to the drivers experience, plus today most trains are computer controlled, so the driver knows what section of track he's on at any given time.

Also, the Driver has to make allowances for poor weather conditions, ie rain, sleet and snow and at times certain sections of track which suffer from leaf mulch on the lines which neccesitate braking much earlier and lighter to stop the wheels locking up so causing the train to slide. More modern rolling stock has anti wheel slide protection fitted so that if a set of wheels do lock, the train maintainence system will automaticly release the brakes on the set of wheels so that they start to turn again. This reduces the problem of flatted wheels, but increases the braking distance the driver has to calculate to stop at a signal or station.


Started young, and still going.
If your driving a steam train your an Engineer , if its a diesel train your a train driver , my mates drives trains and it takes two years to qualify and he says breaks on a train are really bad.

As in the Driver's union ASLE&F. Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen.
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