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Gooch said:As for Halfords bikes. Let's face it if you're on this forum you either know a bit about bikes or you are very interested in cycling. Having looked at what they sell in Halfords most of us wouldn't touch them with a barge pole. Not because there is anything wrong with the bikes, I am sure they are good value for money. But they seem to be geared around the everyday Joe who just wants "a bike". If you are into Mountain Biking, Road Racing or getting a decent Commuter bike you would probably go elsewhere anyway.
Have people not looked closely at the Boardman Range then? Serious range of quality MTB's, Hybrids and Road bikes clearly aimed squarely at serious cyclists. Read the reviews in ther mags and on line. Marketing wise selling these thru Halfords is a canny move - they know darned well nobody is coming back for service, becuase the majority of people spending that much on a bike will be largely self sufficient especially so the MTB'ers who have to be imo, so they can concentrate on box shifting instead.

Seriously agreed the Apollo bicycle shaped objects are dross. Carrera's always seem to get better reviews, from a competency and VFM perspective, than the bikes you'll find in your LBS at the same price point. The Crawley Halfords had Van Nicholas' and, I think Condors and other road exotica in last time I was there. Are they serious enough for people. (But the "condor owners club"