Twenty Inch said:In the Palace of Matrimony no. 1, on the Angliskaya Naberezhnaya in St. Petersburg. This was the first Palace of Matrimony to open in Russia after demand for secular rituals to replace church ones increased in the 1950s. Under communism prior to this, marriage was a suspect bourgeois institution, and you got "married" (or divorced) by signing a form at the local Civil records office and it took about 5 minutes. However people wanted more, and so the Palace of Matrimony phenomenon started.
Palace of Matrimony no. 1 was built in a real palace that had belonged to an exiled nobleman (who himself had been married 8 times). It was amazing - all gilt mirrors and marble staircases.
Later, at the reception, my academic supervisor from LSE made a nice speech, during which he revealed that he had written his Master's thesis on the rise of the secular ritual in the Soviet Union 35 years ago, and had researched it in that very Palace of Matrimony.
too clever for me