Andy Smith
Active Member
I live in a relatively flat area of the country, there are some small gradients but I can choose not to go that way if I don't feel like it, however, the wind! I reckon that a strong wind often makes it just as hard sometimes as climbing and as I also live on the North sea coast it's nearly always windy. It shouldn't really be a surprise as they've built a wind-farm a mile up the road and there's blooming hundreds just offshore only a few miles away. The point is, I keep making comments on my Strava rides about the wind but really it's just a part of the challenge, bit like the rain. I also subscribe to the 'any fool can be uncomfortable' cycling school and until they start paying me to ride my bike I won't venture outside if it's persistently persistent outside, soggy crotch syndrome is apparently a right booga to get rid of!