Hmmmmmm........... I've been keeping at it for over 50 years now, and if anything, the wind and rain gets to me even more as I get older! Outdoor activities of any kind are just so much more pleasant when the sun is shining and the weather is calm.
Cycling on scenic routes on a nice warm sunny day; or battling into a gale being soaked by the rain (and there is no such thing as waterproof clothing, it always finds a way in after a few miles) and not being able to see because of rain stinging your eyes? I know which one I prefer!
It's also more dangerous as you are less visible to blind car drivers in steamed up cars, and there is more risk of skidding on diesel and other slippery surfaces. Then there is the extra wear on bike components caused by the dirt and sludge picked up on your transmission, and wheel rims..... Arghhhhhhh!!
Possibly most importantly for some, cake/beer stops are restricted to places that don't mind you sitting on their furniture with the water running out of you.
What's to like about cycling in the rain?