Firm and Fruity
- Location
- Hexleybeef
People will baulk at the travel time but If you fly to Greece it takes at least 9 hours door to door.We do France most years.A week in the Jura to see family then a week on the Cote d'Azure.I drive from Sheffield to Doucier in one go with a few stops for a break.Then Doucier-Frejus.I drive from Frejus-Sheffield in one go.Generally it's about 19 hours including stops and the ferry.I don't mind the driving it's all part of the funWhen we go to Italy we have an overnight on the way out and one on the way back.Travel days or overnights are extra so we always have either 7 or 14 nights plus the traveling
1 hour to the airport
2 hours waiting
4 hours on plane
1 hour to get out of airport
1 hour to the resort.