Cycling Dan
Cycle Crazy
Really want an update it's been ages
Two weeks since it happenned & he's not been back much since.
Sod the bike, I hope he's okay.
If that was it, Bad Form, it wouldn't be as bad. I just think he was hurt more than he thought at the time & not able to answer.Quite so.
Crankarm is almost certainly fine, but it is slightly bad form on his part not to have come back because he knows there was a lot of concern expressed for his welfare.
Having just come back from holiday, and residing in Cambridge, I've now caught up with the news.
Was sorry to read about Crankarm so I thought I would do a sweep of my area and found 2 possible suspects, both silver hatchbacks. 1 with it's nose in a hedge and the other with a tarp over the bonnet and wheely bins in front.
It then occurred to me (possible stupid idea?) that we need to mobilise ourselves as a cycling community on hearing of H&R to search our own areas to identify these cretins. With good organisation each area could be broken down into segments to be covered quickly. We are in a war, whether we like it or not, not with the motorist but with apathetic politicians. We have various orgs, CTC, BC, RTTC, London cycle campaign, etc. If they could get their heads together and agree a strategy to support the Police by bringing these dangerous drivers to court then people like Crankarm will get some sort of justice.
Meanwhile, I will investigate those 2 vehicles.![]()
Having just come back from holiday, and residing in Cambridge, I've now caught up with the news.
Was sorry to read about Crankarm so I thought I would do a sweep of my area and found 2 possible suspects, both silver hatchbacks. 1 with it's nose in a hedge and the other with a tarp over the bonnet and wheely bins in front.
It then occurred to me (possible stupid idea?) that we need to mobilise ourselves as a cycling community on hearing of H&R to search our own areas to identify these cretins. With good organisation each area could be broken down into segments to be covered quickly. We are in a war, whether we like it or not, not with the motorist but with apathetic politicians. We have various orgs, CTC, BC, RTTC, London cycle campaign, etc. If they could get their heads together and agree a strategy to support the Police by bringing these dangerous drivers to court then people like Crankarm will get some sort of justice.
Meanwhile, I will investigate those 2 vehicles.![]()
At least thats that mystery sorted. If you read back a few posts, there might be a lead on the vehicle.Dear All,
I collected my bike from one bike shop in Cambridge today only to take it to another. The first has said the frame is definately twisted so write off. They will now formalise this in writing so I can make a claim to the MIB if this is possible. The 2nd bike shop is going to check out the frame as well. The rear wheel, hand built, is pretty bent and snapped in two which makes me thank my lucky stars my rear panniers were on my bike, full of clothes and other useless stuff I carry around to take a lot of the impact and for me to land on.
Me myself, not too bad. Upper back, neck and shoulder still hurt. I only take pain killers when the pain is acute as regular use of pain killers messes up your liver. Neck was really stiff this morning. Anyway I am alive which is good. WIll try and sort out some physio soon, hopefully the same therapist as before when I was knocked down in jan 2011. She was brilliant.
I contacted the police last week as I hadn't heard anything for a bit and to update PC Marshal on my injuries, but I was told the case is now closed which was a bit of a shock! I realise the police now have limited time and resources to spend on each crime but this is nevertheless rather alarming when there is some one driving around who is either so bad or deliberately knocks cyclists down, is either drinking and driving or driving uninsured or disqualified, or something to hide, injures some one, drives off leaving them for dead and the police close the case pretty sharpish. Whilst they were good on the night it happened and I appreciate the traffic officers are unlikely to be the ones to have made this decision it is very disappointing and doesn't exactly fill you with confidence that they will do everything to find the vehicle and driver. I am sure CCTV some where will have recorded this vehicle passing shortly before or after it struck me. A local garage has more than likely been used to repair the vehicle. It did have a leaking coolant system after it hit me so it couldn't have got very far and certainly not the next day by which time most of the coolant would likely have drained out meaning if driven the engine would soon over heat. Plus damage to the front of the car - air dam, bumper, number plate. Some one must know something.
Thanks for all the warm wishes. I am ok.