Hints / tips for cycling with your dog

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Senior Member
Of course you would, every single dog owner ( inclduing the owner of the dog I had to shoot) argues that their little darling is under control.

He can't really argue that as you had to shoot it.

Little yellow Brompton

A dark destroyer of biscuits!
He can't really argue that as you had to shoot it.
He did.Long and hard, even when the police led him away.


Rollin' along
Manchester way
I think Keith Peat is trying to ignore laws, I'm suggesting that dog owners might want to... Arrgh stuff it , just pretend I hate dogs, it's easier .
I don't need to pretend do I really though. You come into threads such as this with nothing positive to add to the OP's question but merely to heckle, make negative generalisations, refuse to accept it when people that tell you that you are wrong (and give you examples to show it) and pass off your own opinion as fact.
I think our Keith would be happier to see laxer motoring and more onerous cycling laws enacted rather than ignore the existing ones, but that red herring aside, his one eyed world view and often crass comments on local news articles of road injuries and deaths best sum up how you come across on threads such as this.

Little yellow Brompton

A dark destroyer of biscuits!
I don't need to pretend do I really though. You come into threads such as this with nothing positive to add to the OP's question but merely to heckle, make negative generalisations, refuse to accept it when people that tell you that you are wrong (and give you examples to show it) and pass off your own opinion as fact.
The OP was looking for advice. I supplied some, honest advice isn't always what people really want to hear. However if they simply want cheerleaders for their ideas then they should say so.


Über Member
You must meet a different class of dog owner to me, everyone I have had occasion to speak to claims to clean up after their dog. As to your question. Irresponsible cyclists feed cyclist haters , but the cyclists have little effect on those around them, apart from irritation. Irresponsbile dog owners ( and we have seen more than one in this thread, with their excuses) do have an effect. I dislike irresponsible dog owners because they do do harm, they damage the environment that we all need to share. The park that can't be used by families for a picnic because of those that can't be bothered to keep them on a lead, the sports playing field littered with dog turds, the shared paths that can't be shared that easily -dogs running,free or on stretchy leads- the bridleways that horse riders can't use because of the dog that barks whilst lunging through the gate, the OAP forced to walk in the road because of the yapping snapping terrier tied up outside the shop. The cyclist haters rely on myths and stereotypes, I can go for a ride tomorrow and see all of the behaviour above. It's too easy to buy a dog, to pretend to train it, to abuse it by trying to squeeze the exericise it needs into the 30 minutes the owner has spare. I see owners do the last every day. They haven't time for a long walk ( or are too lazy), so go to the local park to " Let the dog have a run" for 10 minutes. I like dogs, I've owned them ,( one came from the RSPCA and hated uniforms , hated them so much that he bit the RSPCA inspector every year when he came to check on "Jason") trained them, cried over them ( Especially when carrying her upstairs after she had her hip broken, which caused her to limp whenever she got it wet , a major problem for a working retreiver, If I hated dogs as mch as everyone here thinks maybe I should have had Bess put down then rather than 10 years later) and had to shoot one ( and cried over that , later when no-one , especially the stupid, stupid, owner was around) , I dislike the, new, urban, dog owner that thinks that they can steal public space to make up for the lack of time they have to really look after their dog. Anyone who thinks that a park is a good place to let a dog run around is one of those, anyone who thinks that having the dog run along with them whislt they cycle, because they haven't the time to take them for a proper walk, the ones that can't be bothered to train a dog to stop, dead, there, with one word or command, who buy extendible leads because they are too idle to train the dog to walk to heel, the ones who let theit dog sit on the train seat ( Hah hah I just can't stop him , get down Lucky, see, he just does what he wants , mad ininnit?) . Those I dislike, the vast majority of the owners that I see.

But hey, if you want just lump me in as a "dog hater" .

Never read so much tosh in my life. You must be the perfect dog owner and everyone else is crap. I see.


Riding with the dog. Easy.
(I have lost a lot of weight since this picture!)


Pale Rider

Legendary Member
A couple of cyclists I see regularly on a shared path attach their dogs to their bike.

Doing such a thing is a major trip hazard for everyone, including the cyclist.


Senior Member
It is a great idea if your dog is under control. If you cant keep your dog under control then don't do it. I have experience of a working breed running with a leader on a harness running next to my bike. Its a great form of exercise for my dog. I've never ran into trouble, ran any one over or tangled anyone up. I stop to pick my dogs mess up and pull over if someone is passing on the same side as the dog (even though I don't really need to) If you cant control your dog on the bike the likelihood is you cant control them when walking. In theory it should be easier once your dog is on the move as they are more focused.


It is a great idea if your dog is under control. If you cant keep your dog under control then don't do it. I have experience of a working breed running with a leader on a harness running next to my bike. Its a great form of exercise for my dog. I've never ran into trouble, ran any one over or tangled anyone up. I stop to pick my dogs mess up and pull over if someone is passing on the same side as the dog (even though I don't really need to) If you cant control your dog on the bike the likelihood is you cant control them when walking. In theory it should be easier once your dog is on the move as they are more focused.

I dont think the haters on here will believe you.

Did you not know all dogs are out of control ravening beasts, trained to eat small children and cyclists, and all dog owners are drooling idiots?


Senior Member
Your probably right. There are some terrible dog owners out there who inevitably will prove the people on this thread right on certain occasions however as I have actual experience of cycling with my dog I thought my advice would be pretty useful. The original question was does anyone have any hints or tips for cycling with there dog?

Not what do people think about people cycling with there dog?

All cyclists a RLJumping, headphone wearing idiots anyway so to combine this with cycling with your dog is obviously crazy :wacko:


Your probably right. There are some terrible dog owners out there who inevitably will prove the people on this thread right on certain occasions however as I have actual experience of cycling with my dog I thought my advice would be pretty useful. The original question was does anyone have any hints or tips for cycling with there dog?

Not what do people think about people cycling with there dog?

All cyclists a RLJumping, headphone wearing idiots anyway so to combine this with cycling with your dog is obviously crazy :wacko:
I'm a cycling, dog owning vegetarian. So as well as being an irresponsible dog owning, red light jumping lycra lout, I preach to meat eaters as I tear by, while my dog deposits unscooped faeces.
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