medication25 said:my question is; which is the best way to improve on hills so that I'm not dead every time i hit one... should i just spin up them until i lose more weight.. or should i push myself into them and would that make a faster improvement...
Interesting question medi
Like you i am a big bloke recently 17st 10lbs
I started going out on my bike again after a 4 year layoff.
I decided that as I didn't have the stamina and fitness to cycle longer distances and I wanted quick results I decided to devise 3-4 local hilly loops of about 5-10 miles.
Going out once a week initially then twice a week my strategy was this .
2 mile fast warm up loop round the village followed immediately by a stiff climb for 4 miles interspaced by some recovery descents as fast as I could do it.
By week 12 I had some seriously strong leg muscles and my heart recovery rate had reduced from 15 minutes to just 2-3 minutes.
When i started I had to get out of the saddle on every hill.6 miles took me 32 minutes.
Now i can sit in all the way round the loop.6 miles takes me 24 minutes.
I kept a record of each ride on a graph and can trace my improvement .
I would suggest you set yourself a 8 or 12 week program and devise a short local hilly test loop of about 5-7 mileswhich you do as fast as possible on your own once a week ( in addition to your other rides)and record the results You'll soon see some progress