Just a quick update if you're interested in this thread or maybe going through the same thing as me and are wondering how quickly the effects blood pressure tablets take time to work.
Its been just over a week now since Ive started taking the tablet's (Amlodipine)
There has been a few side effects but must say they've been very very mild.
Side effects have been random mild headaches that last no more than a hour then just go. Tingling face every now and again and sometimes my skin feels like I've got prickly heat, but again must stress very mild and infrequent. These side affects have now all but gone.
I've also been over zealously taking multiple blood pressure measurements with my BP machine every day building up a picture of how things are going ( it is a new toy after all) and the fact I'm a hypochondriac

I've also stopped and taken a good long look at my diet and cut out all the bad things which were a lot!! Pasties were consumed in excess, Rustler burgers at work (shame on me) have been banned and have been replaced with mainly porridge and bananas at work and jacket potatoes/salmon pasta when I get home. The dreaded beer is still drunk but in much lower quantities (life's not worth living with out some

My thinking is tablets should not be the sole answer to getting blood pressure down alone. A change to eating healthy, or should I say more healthy, should also be adopted to get it back under control.
I've also downloaded a good app onto my phone were I can record all my pressure readings which can be easily viewed and on a graph , averages ect.
Keeping a detailed record is a god sent for the doctor as they can see your overall stats instead of just judging you on that particular day they take a measurement.A visit this week to the doctor, she was very pleased that I had lots recorded info to get a better picture of everything.
So after a week it appears my BP has dropped significantly from around 180/103 to around the 130s/85s.
Its obviously fluctuating but the general trend is it's coming down.
As for my self I'm starting to feel a little better in my health (maybe just a placebo effect) but I feel calmer , I'm sleeping better but most notable my energy levels have sky rocketed.
Hopefully this is the results of my little life style changes and not just a coincidental blip (the jury's still out)
Anyway before I disappear I just want to thank you all for the great advice that you have given helping me to understand everything that needs to known ,and hope that my tale helps others that reads this.
My advice to anyone new that reads this is to buy a blood pressure monitor. There cheap as chips and could be a potential life saver. If like me you very rarely visit the doc unless there's something wrong,you could potentially be living with High blood pressure without even realizing it. This is why they call it the silent killer.It doesn't matter if you cycle intergalactic miles or play football 5 days a week, you could still have it without nowing.
All the very best Johnny