The effects of exercise on blood pressure

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Wouldn't have thought honey was ideal for a diabetic?
Interesting about the cayenne though, thanks.

Honey is very good for Hypo’s (very low blood sugar) it can put you back to normal blood sugars quickly. Also honey has no sell by date plus it’s very good for you too and 100% natural.


As long as I breathe, I attack.
More slightly higher than normal, could be down to a bit of white coat syndrome, let alone stress?

stress , moi ?


back and brave
More slightly higher than normal, could be down to a bit of white coat syndrome, let alone stress?

I have a similar higher than normal BP at around 150/90. I take meds which keep it in check but I think stress is the cause of mine, and my Garmin watch seems to confirm.

My heart rate variation (which is how the watch measures stress) suggests I'm highly stressed most of the day. Fortunately I get loads of good sleep, and that lowers my daily score, but I seem to be overly stressed when I'm awake - not that I'm always aware of it. I reckon its part of who I am and I've become somewhat used to it.

That said, I have now started to address it with deep breathing and stretches etc. Early days yet, but I'm hopeful. I reckon if i can reduce the stress then I can get my BP down too.


Über Member
I have a similar higher than normal BP at around 150/90. I take meds which keep it in check but I think stress is the cause of mine, and my Garmin watch seems to confirm.

My heart rate variation (which is how the watch measures stress) suggests I'm highly stressed most of the day. Fortunately I get loads of good sleep, and that lowers my daily score, but I seem to be overly stressed when I'm awake - not that I'm always aware of it. I reckon its part of who I am and I've become somewhat used to it.

That said, I have now started to address it with deep breathing and stretches etc. Early days yet, but I'm hopeful. I reckon if i can reduce the stress then I can get my BP down too.

The effects of stress are manyfold - and long term stress is especially bad as it can cause a lot of changes in the body. We are designed to cope with short term stress (fight/flight) but not long term unmitigated stress. I blame my high BP on the fact that I had to deal with a very old mum who over 10 years went into a spiral decline and ended up bed-bound for I have the last 3 years of her life. Every phone call was a total stressor. Despite being fit, eating well, non-smoker & drinker mine had shot up and it was a shock to find out at what was otherwise a routine check with our practice nurse that my heart attack/stroke risk had almost doubled! So yes do everything you can to mitigate - breathing, stretching and relaxation is fantastic - along with gentle yoga and of course riding a bike. Good luck with it


Legendary Member
The best exercises to lower BP are ones where you contract your "big " muscles so doing repeated sit squats against a wall etc. or laid on your back and holding legs raised slightly in the air. the also strengthen your core for cycling (and skiing).

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
I don’t know whether exercise lowers blood pressure, as

A) I’m a lifelong exerciser
B) Only had my own BP monitor for about 3 years

I am at the low end of what the NHS considers normal blood pressure
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