Well done on your first ride. Just keep right on doing that. +1 on the padded shorts though. My husband hated his shorts so would wear them under baggy regular walking about in shorts so that nobody could see (He was in the 17+ stone zone at the time, in 2009). It takes a week or 2 but your bum will get used to it.
Personally, I hate gel saddles and find them deeply uncomfortable. Only yesterday someone commented on my saddle and said that it looked hard, skinny and bloody uncomfortable, but it's not. It fits which makes a massive difference.
When we started riding again, we used to go out using the G.O.A.D.I.C.O.N.S. Method of riding (Going Out After Dark In Case Our Neighbours See). It's a tried and trusted method, that's worked for years and is a multi-discipline training method (bike riding, jogging, power walking etc)
Keep up the good work and you will soon be as addicted as the rest of us