Leg End Member
So the fact that I'd be on an "A" road, almost from leaving home, would be enough for it to be be compulsory to wear one.Sometimes a battle is unwinable / not worth fighting. I think blanket compulsion would never work or be worth it. Specific compulsion, ie those who choose to ride on main roads (I'd probably go as far as to say only on A roads / trunk routes) should have to wear lids, would be much more achievable / palletable.
Only other viable options are off-road or use the local SatNav RatRun. The latter having a lower speed limit, but a higher accident rate. For the roads, without breaking them down into user types. Also a higher rate of speeding.
I'll throw in a comparison, motorbikes. Rider required to have a helmet, quad riders are not.
I cycle on the same roads on two & four wheels. Would I be required to wear a helmet when on the quad? After all the motorised version doesn't require the user to wear one.