Now you have changed your tune. A post of yours from a closed Helmet thread
The sooner the law changes to compulsory helmets the better.
What has made you change your mind?
Sometimes a battle is unwinable / not worth fighting. I think
blanket compulsion would never work or be worth it. Specific compulsion, ie those who choose to ride on main roads (I'd probably go as far as to say only on A roads / trunk routes) should have to wear lids, would be much more achievable / palletable. A lot of cyclist deaths, where the lid wearing debate comes in, fail to take account of the 'whole' event, that led to the death anyway. For instance, Person A. was hit by a truck, whilst riding their bike, without a lid, and died. Everybody on the pro lid side starts jumping up and down shouting about how a lid may have saved them, everybody on the other side, points out that a lid is no defence against a truck. What has been omitted, or wasn't realised is, that ( again a theoretical case) person A. ended up under the truck, because they had been hit in the head by a piece of debris, this knocked the senses out of them / sparked them out,which was why they ended up under the truck. In this case, the lid
may have been of some help. Again a bit of an oversimplification, but I wouldn't be surprised if there have been a lot of cases where a fatal collision event was initiated, by an unseen event, which wearing a lid would have mitigated.