Honestly? I get called a wacko for wanting to wear a helmet.
Nice one!
Nobody has called you a wacko for wanting to wear a helmet, just the Billy Graham way you expect all of us to fall in line with what you seem to think is a great revalation (hint: it isn't).
You may want to have a wee search here before coming on all preachy and evangelical as if you're the first person to have ever come up with the notion. There's even a forum specifically called helmet and headphone debates, which should give you a tiny clue that you're not the first to have sprung the topic and that you're dealing with people with an awful lot of real world experience who have read the same papers and articles but have applied their own intellect and opinion, some in the same way, some in a different way to you. deal with it.
Re your post #39 you'll also find a range of personalities and typing styles on here, some more abrasive than others, you may not realise it, but you come across increasingly pushy and aggressively 'I'm right you're not', which is really not the most conducive way to introduce yourself to an established herd and instantly make friends. You've pretty much got what you've given.
Chill out, explore the site for a while and get to know it before diving in quite so dogmatically on THE MOST contentious possible topic on a bike forum and stop trying to mother the big boys and girls.