I don't wear a helmet, but my boy who's 10 does. The Mrs says he has to, i say he shouldn't. I've even got her to read the threads on here about helmets and some of the links that crop up but she still says he has to wear one, she'd rather he did so for a quiet life i agreed under protest.
Less than 30 minutes ago we was out for a ride when my boy came off his bike, totally his fault, he took his eye off the road to look at a guy on a bike coming the other way. He hit the kerb,come flying off the bike landed on his shoulder, and rolled over to an undignified stop. Grazed shoulder and a cut knee was the damage and most importantly the bike was fine!
I dusted him off and checked his helmet over, the helmet was fine, perfect like the day he bought it, which tells me it didn't even come into contact with the ground. Not even a scuff mark. As he fell off i watched him and his head was not in contact with the floor at any time. This bolsters my case that he doesn't need to wear the bloody thing and i'll be pointing that out to the Mrs later.