Enlightened group? That will have people who have weighed up the advantages and disadvantages and changed their behaviour in it, I imagine.
I didn't wear a helmet in the past, then a near accident in about 2003-4 persuaded me that I would *probably* fare better in a collision on the road if I wore a helmet. Not certainly, but on the balance of probabilities, in my view and having weighed up what I considered the foreseeable range of events, so I changed my behaviour. Some few years later I *do* find myself in a serious accident, one where the helmet saved my life as I was hit by a car and I flew into the screen head-first. *Probably* saved my life, again I can't prove it, but the police witness believes the same as I do, and there is a smashed helmet in a hospital bin somewhere that supports that view.
Of course, there is always the possibility that the other driver might have seen me had I been bare-headed, or that I might have flown in a different trajectory, or that he thought "**** him, he's got a lid on, he'll live". I can't prove anything one way or another, but I know what the balance of probabilities suggests. There's only one of me though, and a sample size of one isn't worth anything. That is unless you happen to be that one.
So, can I envisgae an enlightened group? Yes. I can also envisage a group that won't allow itself to be persuaded away from its established view, regardless of how much research there may be, and I think I'm seeing a lot more of them on this thread. There are after all many millions who believe in a god, in the absence of any evidence to support this view.
I don't care whether anyone else wears a helmet, or what logic they apply to their decision. I know what I've decided, for now at least, in the absence of any compelling evidence to the contrary. As for research, yes, I'd love to see some, it would be very worthwhile. As it stands though I'm not aware of any that adequately tackles the fact that we are dealing with probabilities in situations with almost infinite numbers of variables. One thing is sure, nobody here is advancing the sum of human knowledge on the subject.
As for brain damage, yes I have, thanks. Damaged cranial nerves leading to visual disturbance, to be specific, memory loss and some mild changes to my personality. How about you?