Before you say anything yes i am going to see the Doctor next week
However i wanted to see whether my good friends on this forum have had some issues related to mine.
I have been cycling for just over two years 100-150 miles a week and now during the not so nice weather i have been Spinning and Turbo training a couple times a week as well as a 40 mile ride with the club on a Sunday. The reason for the question is that i was told by another spinning compatriot that i should get my resting heart rate checked and he thought that my Max heart rate was to high also.
I am 50 years old and my max heart rate can go up to about 178 according to my heart rate monitor when working at almost full gas, however despite this i feel fine, the only time i suffer more is when i go up big/biggish hills 18/23% gradient over 10/15 minutes but i do recover quickly, it was suggested that this is ok ish but i should check my resting heart rate...i have now done this on 4 waking occasions and it is around 52 ...Should i be worrying or am i just a little fitter than i think i am just .crap at going up hills