Yeh, It was when I done my bike mechs course so it was quite busy and only really had one head scratcher where I knew it was wrong but didn't know why so I had to get Teressa to step in as I couldn't see it, and she had to put her glasses on to see what id done, but she saw it straight away then......
I made a few mistakes when I was starting, you can notice that something is not right when a task is harder to complete than usually is. Some mistakes would not let you complete the wheel so they are easy to spot, others are just cosmetic, like lining up the hub label with the valve hole, it has no bearings on how good the wheel is but something like that would drive me insane
When I first started building wheels for other people, once I made the mistake of counting 1,2,3 instead of 0,1,2,3 so the hub label ended up a tiny bit out of position with regards to the valve hole. I realised of this mistake half way through the building process and I struggled to convince myself that the wheel would be just as good. Completed the wheel and I went to bed but I couldn't go to sleep thinking about that flicking label being not quite where it should be
I know that is not normal but I can't help it..... so I got up to rebuild the wheel.... only then I could go to sleep
The irony of it all is that I got into wheel building precisely to help me switch my mind off from work issues
..... people that have worked for me would tell you I'm a pain in the backside to work for