The older I get, the faster I used to be ...
sorry to drag an 6 year old thread back up but I wanted to check in on you guys and see how you're doing 6 years on?
I'm 35 and had to have a stent fitted November last year which was a bit of a shock considering I've never smoked, don't drink much and have no real family historyof heart problems. I'm doing ok, fitness wise im probably better than I was before the stent and have a 100km sportive this weekend
You'll be fine, just a bit of faulty arterial plumbing, now sorted!
Getting on for 6 years on from my last stents my heart's operating well, and I've had no recurrence of symptoms, and for most of the time my cycling was back at pre-stenting levels, and I've felt fitter than ever.
However, I'm twice your age, and other arteries are now developing symptoms. I now have almost completely blocked arteries in my legs - mentioned in other TFH threads - which has all but stopped me cycling, but that's another story.
Good luck and enjoy the sportive.