Have you voted yet?

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Not interested in the politics of it all (don't want this thread moved to NACA), just want to see how many people have already popped down to their local community centre / primary school / scouts hut / church hall / portacabin in a pub car park (delete as applicable) and put a cross on a piece of paper, then stuffed that in a box. Or if you've already voted by post weeks ago, you can mention that too of course.

I used to vote on my way home from work but after a close shave a few years back, when a tree fell on my train line and stuffed everything up for hours and I only just made it to the polling station at 9:59pm, I now vote on my way IN to work instead. Means only a ten minute detour on my walk to the station, plus the polling clerks are still usually quite cheery at that hour as the boredom hasn't set in yet.
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Charming but somewhat feckless
Voted by post last week.🙂


Forum Stalwart (won't take the hint and leave...)
No, tend it do it on the way home, at 7 in the AM, I struggle to know which end of the pencil to use.

Remember to take a pen due to the army of people employed by the deep state to change your votes to the one they want you to vote for using a rubber. Due to the application and checking of seals on all ballot boxes, these people are miniature, and live inside the ballot box. You can hear them squeal in delight when you post your paper through the slit.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
I'll do it tonight - did wonder why a car was turning into the Parish Hall at 7am, then remembered !


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Whilst on the way to work this morning. Lovely day for it. Polling Station was surprisingly busy for 7.30am


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Went with son no. 2 on foot to vote - not riding as he kindly gave me Covid - his first time voting.

In my constituency, which has changed boundaries to be Dewsbury and Batley, it appears to be a coin toss between Labour and an extremist 'independent' candidate.

Who I actually voted for out of the six candidates standing (Conservative / Green / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Reform / independent) will stay secret.
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