Thank you.Click on share on the wordle screen when you're done, scroll down and then copy/paste into here.
Thank you.Click on share on the wordle screen when you're done, scroll down and then copy/paste into here.
You have to actively spend time reverse engineering other people's answers.
There's going to come a day when I fail, at which point I will decide that it's a stupid game and I never really wanted to play it anyway.Oh stuff it - getting fed up with this now. The chancy-ness of multiple options is quite frankly irritating:
Wordle 256 X/6
This is assuming that you maintain a list of everyone's starting words and examine their postings in detail to see what colours the blocks are. If you're going to that much trouble I'm not inclined to sympathise. It's a bit like complaining that it hurts if you hit your head against the wall: Don't do it.Not so.
If I know someone's start word behind A and ends E then simply seeing black at these positions communicates
That's interesting, hadn't occurred to me as an approach which I think I might try.I do the opposite. I have a couple of openers that focus on four less common consonants and one less common vowel. I don't often get it in two but it does mean I have fewer rows of guesses at the end and I rarely crash and burn.