I don't look to see what others have done first anyway. Surely the easiest way if you don't want to even risk the chance of a spoiler of any sorts.I must be incredibly dense. I don't often read the thread in detail before or after and when I do never cotton on to a hint which helps me. I must be dumb.
Click on share on the wordle screen when you're done, scroll down and then copy/paste into here.3/6 for me today. How do you copy the graphic into here?
I do the opposite. I have a couple of openers that focus on four less common consonants and one less common vowel. I don't often get it in two but it does mean I have fewer rows of guesses at the end and I rarely crash and burn.My opener is always the same and contains three vowels and two very common consonants. I have several other second words which contain the other two vowels and three common consonants.
Not complaining as such, merely pointing out that it CAN be a spoiler. For instance if someone reveals their usual starter guess, and I am anal enough to remember it, and then read this thread tomorrow before doing the puzzle....I can only imagine those who complain are looking much more intensely than me.