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- Glasgow
Yes2187698 said:There are others.

For the life of me, I can't understand how folks go helmet-less in this weather, after my short commute my helmet is all frosted up and it's a skateboard kind, very few ventilation slots.
I have been reading up on the links provided.
Interesting the one article (www.cycle helmets something) that says that at about speeds of 12.5 miles a helmet is useless.
Ah, found the article: http://www.risksense.org/2012/06/14/the-myth-of-the-bicycle-helmet/
This occurred to me: as a matter of fact I am not able to exceed 10 mph at any time.
So there are some chances a helmet would protect me in a fall.
There was another statistic quoted by Red Light in another thread (where is he, btw

So, there you go, I'm a woman

I confess that I don't always wear my helmet: on hot days on a traffic free path I take it off.
Yes, there are still chances I could take a tumble, I'm taking those chances.
In town, in traffic, it goes back on, because I'm convinced there are lots more chances for me to fall off, and the helmet could help.
In my case, statistics seem to agree.