Ah you are female. Apologies, the Claude had me thinking Van damme.
I agree it is boring and very much over cooked. More annoying, i find, is the way these debates always turn borderline nasty. I have an extremely good going nature but find myself being lowered to the same tone. All because we either do or don't wear a helmet??
Lets leave it there shall we?
As long as it's a genuine question rather than an irrelevant attack, I'm quite patient with non-cyclists, or people unfamiliar with the debate, asking me why I don't wear a helmet - common sense might be cobblers, but it's not going to go away any time soon. I usually just explain that helmets are an irrelevance in terms of safety, that the best thing an individual cyclist can do for her own safety is to use good road positioning, and that the best way we can collectively improve road safety is to reduce and slow down motor vehicles and to make their drivers take responsibility for their actions. They don't always look convinced, but they usually look as if they think it's worth pondering a bit. If, however, someone has deliberately entered the debate and claims to have read the evidence and understood the issues already, I'm afraid they don't have any excuse for falling back on common sense and received wisdom. They ought to do better, and I regard their continued helmet-pushing as a form of collaboration with interests hostile to cyclists. Hence what you call "borderline nastiness" - it isn't nasty, but it is an actual conflict of real-world interests, and not just a difference of opinion.